It starts in the liver …

If you’re an adult acne sufferer then you’ll likely have a weak or overloaded liver and gallbladder. I realize this statement may sound a bit extreme, but with the standard American diet that most of us eat, the majority of people in the developed world have a somewhat overloaded liver and gallbladder. So you’re certainly not alone.

With these overloaded cleansing organs, our body needs to get rid of excess fats and toxins in some other way. If you’re lucky the toxins are removed through the colon. But sometimes they’re stored in fat cells in the body, and for us acne sufferers the toxins often come out through the skin, resulting in clogged pores and acne.

B Vitamin deficiency

One of the most problematic side effects of having an overloaded liver is a possible deficiency in B Vitamins. This is because in the cleansing process, the liver actually produces a lot of B vitamins for your body to use.

And one of the roles these B Vitamins play in your body is to make it a lot easier to digest fats, so as you can see the problem just gets worse. Not only is your liver overloaded so has trouble processing fats, but a deficiency in B Vitamins makes it even more difficult for your liver and your body to do its cleansing and processing job.

Because pantothenic acid is a B Vitamin, by taking the supplement, you’re increasing the availability of the essential vitamin B in your system. This B vitamin then helps to metabolize the excess fats and oils in your system, putting less strain on your liver and less oils and toxins into your skin and bloodstream.

Pantothenic acid works in a similar way to Accutane but without the side effects

We’ve all heard of Accutane and how it can do a wonderful job at clearing the skin, but how it can also give you a massive list of horrible side effects, both temporary and permanent which just aren’t worth it.

Well, pantothenic acid actually works in a similar way to Accutane by reducing the oil in the pores. Accutane works by shrinking the sebaceous glands at the root of the hair follicles. And pantothenic acid works by reducing the oil production of the sebaceous glands. Increasing the metabolism of fats and oils in your body will reduce oil accumulation in the skin. Some even find that taking high doses of pantothenic acid makes their skin too dry, so make sure if taking this supplement your monitor your skin closely.

This means you can use this supplement with similar results to Accutane, but without those horrible side effects!

Will this work for everyone?

It’s important to note there is no one supplement that will magically work for everyone. Pantothenic acid will work the best for adult acne sufferers because the problem is mainly in the cleansing system of the body.

But for acne that is due to hormones, like teenage acne, menopausal acne, or acne induced by hormonal medications, pantothenic acid is unlikely to work as well.

Personally I’m very excited about this treatment and it will be the first thing I turn to if my acne comes back.


You do need to take relatively high doses of pantothenic acid for it to be effective, which can be expensive and can come with side effects. The most common side effect is gastric distress, and in some cases diarrhea. If you experience uncomfortable side effects, please reduce or discontinue your dose. And if the side effects do not go away, consult a natural therapist.

More information

If you’re looking for more information about pantothenic acid and acne on the net, I’ll save you the Google search and give you the most comprehensive resource I’ve found. It includes a few articles, a ton of resources, and a forum thread from acne sufferers talking about their experience with using the supplement.

Here’s the link –> Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B5 for Acne

Or you can read the original pantothenic acid and acne study that was done by Doctor Lit-Hung Leung here –> Coenzyme-A Technologies ™