Muscle Gain Workouts

By design your workouts should be helping you build muscle mass. However, you may be killing muscle gain more quickly than you can build it. This occurs when you are not doing workouts correctly, or if you do not work out hard enough.

Not Working Out Hard Enough

If you take too long of a break during your workouts, you are compromising muscle gains. And if you don't rest long enough between sets in your workout, you are killing your muscle gains. In order to build muscle, you have to push your muscles to the limits and then when they are rested, repeat the process. By taking breaks or giving up too soon, you are killing your muscle gains and you will not see the results you are aiming for.

Not Using Enough Weight

If your exercise plan requires you to do ten reps and you do not feel the burn after seven or eight, you are not working out at the right weight or resistance. Again, muscle gain is achieved by pushing the limits of what your muscles can take. If you don't feel like you are about to reach muscle failure before the last few reps, you need to increase weight to achieve muscle gains.

Not Doing Enough Reps

Muscle gains are achieved in the last two to three reps of your high intensity workout. If you cheat on reps, take a break or give up too easily, you will effectively kill your muscle gains. All of the reps you do up to that point are just there to push the muscle to its breaking point. The last few reps are where you actually get the muscle gain. If you aren't sure how many reps to do to be effective in your workouts, a personal trainer can help you build a plan that will work for you.


Muscle is made up of seventy percent water. In order to make your work outs effective, you need to be taking in an insane amount of fluids. Take in at least two eight ounce servings of water before and after your work outs. You should also take in eight ounces of fluids during your workout. This will ensure that you are not killing your muscle gains by dehydration.

The Nutrition Effect on Your Workouts

You will effectively kill muscle gain if you do not use good nutrition habits right after a workout. After a workout, you have about three hours to take advantage of a very special window. Your muscles are at that point in the best condition to receive the nutrients you put into your body to build muscle. This is the best time to take a protein shake, supplements, or eat a large protein rich meal. By doing this within three hours of your workout you will help build your muscle more quickly and head off killing muscle gains.