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    Thread: The silver solution to shingles:

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      • The silver solution to shingles:
      NaturalNews) Healthy Living recently interviewed renowned homeopath Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom., on the benefits of silver hydrosol and silver first aid gel for addressing the virus that causes shingles. While Robert acknowledges that there is a growing controversy as to the nature and threat of viruses as a cause of disease, for the sake of providing help to those most in need, we will set that controversy aside for the sake of clarity in this interview.

      You may remember the uncomfortable experience of having chickenpox as a child. And it's just that, a memory that marks your childhood. Or so you would like to believe. After you get chicken-pox, the varicella-zoster virus is reported to become dormant in certain nerve cells, yet the same virus re-expresses, resulting in shingles years later when it reactivates in the nerves. Although the reason the virus becomes active again is not clear to medical authorities, there is no dispute that shingles is a painful, often blistering skin rash. In severe cases, shingles can cause debilitating pain and even temporary or permanent weakness or paralysis in the area where it occurred.

      Shingles can occur at any age, but those who had chickenpox before age one, who are older than 60, or have a weakened immune system are more susceptible to viral manifestation. Commonly prescribed allopathic treatments include antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir and/or anti-inflammatory medicines like prednisone. Unfortunately, these medicines are highly toxic, with numerous negative side effects. Antiviral drugs have a deleterious impact on normal, healthy cellular reproduction, along with an increased burden on the liver. Over time, antivirals have also stimulated viral resistance, rendering the drugs useless, similar to what has happened with over-reliance and over-prescription of antibiotics.

      How does silver work against viruses?

      Actively charged silver nanoparticles or cations (positively charged ions) can bind to the protein capsid structure surrounding the virus. This interaction renders the virus unable to replicate. Along with the necessary active (electrical) charge, if the particles are small enough (ideally smaller than 6 nanometers) as they are in a bio-active silver hydrosol, they can penetrate the virus itself and bind to the genetic material contained within it, further rendering the shingles unable to replicate. This can stop an infection in its tracks.

      Does silver have any side effects?

      I would call them side benefits. Once the viral particles are no longer viable, your immune system can return to watchdog status. If there is any difficulty in recovery, I look to the excretory pathways, primarily the liver and lymph, which are typically congested and static in these cases. For any successful immune intervention, circulating viral debris must ultimately be removed from the body. This is why I recommend increasing selenium levels on a daily basis, but more critically when undergoing any immune challenge, shingles manifestation included. I suggest at least 200 mcg daily, preferably from brazil nuts or true whole food supplementation. Homeopathic liver drainage remedies, such as Bryonia or Chelidonium are also a good consideration.

      What protocol do you recommend for silver?

      Where is the point of foci? Topical application of Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel would be appropriate to address an outbreak of shingles wherever it is visible. There is always a systemic immune component with the reactivation of the varicella virus, so oral consumption of the silver hydrosol is equally important. Just one teaspsoon held sublingually for about a minute before swallowing every waking hour while in the throes of the outbreak can be of great assistance. Spread doses out as symptoms improve. You may also wish to include some homeopathic medicines as a powerful adjunct in recovery. These might include Rhus toxicodendron, Hypericum perforatum and the herpes varicella-zoster nosode. (A nosode is a homeopathic remedy created from some element of the disease itself.)

      What is your personal experience with those you have helped?

      I have seen silver hydrosol topical application and ingestion shorten the duration and severity of outbreaks regularly. In cases where response seems sluggish, it bears repeating that this is typically due to a congested liver, which exacerbates an already overloaded and stressed excretory system. It is important to also consider the emotional stressors that play a significant role in immune suppression and the re-emergence of the latent or dormant chicken pox virus. When you live in a prolonged state of high stress, it depletes the minerals that tend to keep viral activity to a minimum. Consider homeopathic Gelsemium or complex remedies for stress. Trace mineral supplementation is always recommended for an accelerated recovery.

      If you feel like you may be susceptible or on the verge of a shingles attack, you can prophylactically begin frequent dosing with silver. Longer-term prevention for those vulnerable would include using one teaspoon three to five times daily to assist with immune system rebuilding.

      Do you recommend a particular silver supplement?

      I do because of the purity, particle size and energy. I always try to be efficient with anything I use for healing. Sovereign Silver isolates only the active state of silver in the smallest particle size and purest of water, thus allowing only 10 parts-per-million to behave as if it were 500 parts-per-million without concern for bio-accumulation. That's why I am even comfortable giving it to my children in support of their immune system. Sovereign Silver Silver First Aid Gel

      Learn more: The silver solution to shingles: An interview with Robert Scott Bell
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      Default Re: The silver solution to shingles:

      silver is a great topical antibiotic. Some ingest it but you can turn blue

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      Default Re: The silver solution to shingles:

      Quote Originally Posted by dirtwarrior View Post
      silver is a great topical antibiotic. Some ingest it but you can turn blue
      Good to know. I hope I never get shingles again
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      It is good when you rub it on, just when you eat it you will turn blue

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