Chess boxing is a hybrid sport, having combined chess and boxing disciplines in alternating rounds. This was invented by French artist and filmmaker Enki Bilal in 1992 but it was only in 2003 when a real chess boxing event was organized by Dutch artist Iepe Rubingh, and in 2007 when the first world chess boxing championship was held. According to Rubingh, the reason why chess boxing was invented was that chess and boxing have many things in common. The first is that moving a pawn is similar to moving a jab. The knight in Chess is like a hook in boxing, and a rook in chess is a straight right in boxing. When you have the queen marching in, it is like a boxing knockout.Sportsmen say that chess boxing already has a large following in such countries as Germany and England, Japan, France, Iceland, India, Netherlands and Russia and is still fast-growing. Chess boxing events already have been held in Los Angeles, California in the United States, Tokyo, Japan, Nantes, France, Reykjavik, Iceland, Calcutta, India, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, and Amsterdam, Netherlands.Sports nutrition Bodybuilding supplements
