NaturalNews) If you're one of many of the world's citizens suffering from chronic pain, you're not alone. An estimated 60 percent or more of Americans suffer from food sensitivities and allergies, hidden culprits of chronic pain. It is rare indeed to find an individual who has no food allergies or sensitivities to at all. Most everyone therefore can achieve pain-free living and greater wellness by educating themselves about what foods are allergen-causing agents.

People around the world suffer from chronic pain symptoms such as headache, fatigue, bloating, joint pain, nasal irritation, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, eye irritation, brain fog, anxiety or depression, wheezing and itchy skin. Many people don't know the cause of these ailments. Many turn to pharmaceutical drugs to reduce the pain and symptoms. The pain-reducing pills in turn create a host of new health issues that appear over time, and the entire thing becomes a vicious cycle.

One of the main problems with allergens is that so many foods contain them. This makes it extremely difficult to avoid the common allergen-causing foods. Common allergen-causing agents are corn, wheat, soy and dairy. Take a moment to consider this, and you'll realize that these products are present in a large majority of the foods in most people's diets.

Another problem cropping up is the allergen-causing agent of GMO, or genetically modified food. As more and more of the food supply becomes contaminated with GMO, people are experiencing more food sensitivities and allergies. GMO foods also present many other risks to human health, the food supply and the environment, so avoid GMO foods as much as possible. A great way to do this is by looking for labeling on the food packaging that says "GMO-free" or "Non-GMO." However, not all products are labeled, and you'll have to resort to reading ingredient labels to identify GMO ingredients in foods.

The solution to the problem is to carefully monitor your diet and reduce or eliminate allergen-causing ingredients and GMO. Try to make a goal for yourself that is attainable, such as going without allergenic foods for a week or two. After that period of time has passed, you'll likely experience a significant reduction in pain and symptoms. You'll have more energy and greater wellness, which leads to the conclusion that if you cut the offending foods out long-term, you'll be that much happier, healthier and pain-free for it.

Learn more: Avoid hidden allergens in food to kick chronic pain and feel great