Highly recommend this and it is truly informative.



Excerpts from Renew Your Life
It is estimated that as much as 40% of the population suffers from some form of digestive stress. If you are reading this book, you are probably within this group. Whether your goal is to take back control of your health or simply maintain the good digestion you enjoy, your journey begins here.
Impaired digestion is the beginning of a process that ends with chronic disease. Ultimately poor digestion will encourage the advancement of age-related illness and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome and more.
The absorption of toxins from within the digestive tract can result in a form of self-poisoning or autointoxication as the liver becomes overburdened with intestinal toxins. Resulting symptoms may include heartburn and GERD, indigestion, fatigue, constipation, irritable bowel, inflammatory issues and even chronic disease. Taking the first step toward optimal digestion and overall well being begins with reducing your toxic burden and giving your body the tools necessary to break down the foods you eat, absorb valuable nutrients, and eliminate waste effectively and efficiently