Hey everyone . . .just wanted to let you know how the first cycle went and get some feedback. I did deca/test enanthate for 12 weeks. I ran 200/250 up to 400/750 (weeks 5-6) and then back down again. I weighed 183 when I started and about three weeks ago I hit a sluggish and full 200. Anyway I started adding some cardio and cut back a little on my diet cuz I was looking a little "puffy" and I am down to a pretty solid 195. I think I will end up around 192 or 193 and train hard and natural there for a couple months. Anyway, I know I made alot of mistakes on this cycle . .. . like overtraining(gear made me feel invincible!), splitting up the injections (I think I should have taken the higher doses in one injection), and trying dbol in the middle of the cycle (big ASS ZITS). So is 10 pounds on your first cycle pretty good?
I was thinking of doing fina/EQ for my next cycle . . . I didn't really like the "bloat" I got from my last one . . . From what I understand, fina and EQ are antiesterogenic. What do you guys think?