man, ~5 hours post insulin admistration and post w/o drink (phosphagen XT, 80 grams sugar plus 40 grams whey) i get the most massive hunger and shakes! i also take two servings amino fuel liquid preworkout (30 protein 22 carbs) and 2 hrs after the phosphagen/whey drink i take a twinlab mass fuel drink (100 carbs maltodextrin and 50 grams long acting proteins like casein). but the hunger still hits at 2:30-2:45 every day (i finish w/o at ~10:00am and do the insulin then, and the phosphagen like 10 minutes or so after). i suppose this is normal right? its the same thing three days in a row now, like i MUST eat or i will die (even after taking in over 200 carbs in the 5 hours previous). well not literally die, but you know. any of you get this type of reaction. also, providing the w/o is intense and all.....taking in all these carbs post w/o within 5 hrs is not going to affect fat gain much if i got my facts straight, right?. oh yeah, for that 5 hr post meal i eat a pint of steamed chicken/broccoli and a 1/2 pint white rice with a coke and usually a uturn bar or some type of candy bar like caramello and all. other day i ate 9 of those atkins peanut butter cups....pretty good shit! might throw down something else too. i'm on 2iu GH ED, 50mcg T3 ED, 500mg test (EW), 35mg winny ED (or 500mg EQ EW and oral fina pellets ED depending on segment of cycle), 40mg nolva, few other things along with the 8iu insulin (humulin R) post w/o. this little ***** told me i looked good but i had a gut yesterday even though its not that bad at all, i got veins all over my arms and delts, and got upper abs....just got a nice big lump on each side of the lower abs. so i am paranoid about getting too fat. i hope keeping carbs mainly to after w/o and used with well as using T3 and GH (and test/EQ/winny for that matter)....i can keep from getting fat. what you guys think? am i gonna get fat or not? lol.