A variety of new studies are demonstrating that noni fruit influences metabolism and cardiovascular health in a variety of important ways. It can positively benefit inflammation, circulation, cholesterol, triglycerides, nerves, and even protect against damage from cigarettes.
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of noni were recently documented in a French study. Of particular interest was the fact that noni reduced unfriendly nitric oxide1 (iNOS) which is known to stress the cardiovascular system. Another animal study showed that noni lowered cholesterol and triglycerides2 in animals fed a high fat diet.
In one study researchers experimentally produced diabetes in rats. Feeding noni drastically reduced the blood sugar3 compared to untreated rats, while also protecting the liver from fatty build up that causes liver dysfunction. Another study showed that noni enhanced insulin secretion4 from the pancreas while protecting the brain from oxygen deprivation damage (a stroke type experiment).
Noni is well known as a natural relaxant and sleep aide. A new study shows that noni smoothes out calcium transmission in nerves5. When calcium imbalance occurs nerves may become spasmodic or “tight” (anxious). This relaxing effect was accompanied by a natural vasodilator effect, which promotes an improvement in circulation and blood pressure function.
Lastly, an experiment with current smokers showed that noni could reduce the damage to DNA6 in blood cells, leading the authors to conclude that noni could reduce the risk of cancer in heavy cigarette smokers.
Collectively these studies support a variety of uses for noni in addition to its natural immune support properties. Noni lends support to nerves as a natural relaxant, it helps the metabolism of fat, the metabolism of blood sugar – while protecting the brain, liver, and blood cells from damage. Not bad for one nutrient.
