i've been getting alot of mail about this post on a different board so i thought i would bring it up here

OK.. this is what i do.. so people may be different but i always hated the amount to gear that was wasted in the end of the jacket or tip of the needle.. and i came across this one day my mistake and it worked out so go that i use it all the time... when i load up a dart i use to push the plunger until a drop fromed at the end of the dart.. one day a couple month ago is was in a hury and there was a drop size air bubble in the jacket when i went to dart myself.. well at the end of the injection the air bubble acted like a pushing area and was just the right size to empty out the little bet that was left over in the end.. so now i aways leave a small air bubble in the jacket to push the gear out of the bottle but two things.. when you start to dart yourself you have toput the needle in a downward possion, so the air bubble is close to the rubber plunger and you have too keep a eye on the area that the gear is normally wasted, you an see the air bubble fill up that little area.. and when you get goo at it you can leave a big air bubble in the jacket and when you see that all the gear has left the jacket just stop.. i've had an air buble about .5ml and just stopped the plunge at just alittle under the .5ml point on the jacket.. and got all the gym candy out of the jacket

please don't try this unless you're really good at darting yourself..