NaturalNews) Released in the early 1980s, Accutane has been touted as a miracle cure for acne over the past three decades. However, in 2009, due to rising public health concerns and emerging lawsuits the drug's manufacturer, Hoffmann-laRoche Pharmaceuticals, pulled the drug off the market in 12 countries including the U.S.

While Accutane remains off the market, various generic forms of the drug still exist. These pharmaceuticals go under the names Amnesteem, Claravis and Sotret. Each of these generics is formulated with the same principal ingredient, isotretinoin.

Poisoned by vitamins

Isotretinoin is a chemical compound related to vitamin A. Similar to fat soluble vitamins, small doses are safe. Large doses; however, can result in serious health consequences. Fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A get stored in the liver where they build up. Many of the side effects associated with isotretinoin are the same ones that occur when the body reaches toxic levels of vitamin A. Some of the more common ones can include eye irritation, blurred vision, rashes, dry skin, headaches, bone pain and muscle weakness.

It's isotretinoin's far more serious side effects that you should be worried about. They include depression, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, pancreatitis and suicidal thoughts to name just a few. Many people are completely unaware of these risks and continue to use these acne drugs. The only restriction on the drug (iPledge) has to do with pregnancy. Becoming pregnant while on isotretinoin will all but guarantee birth defects.


In one high profile Accutane lawsuit actor James Marshall sued Hoffmann-laRoche for $11 million dollars due to gastrointestinal damage so severe that he had to have his colon removed. It was this type of lawsuit that pushed the company to pull Accutane off the market, although they never admitted lawsuits were the reason. Now, with the generics still available, the lawsuits will continue until this dangerous drug is banned.

Cure your acne the natural way

Acne is not a life threatening disease and isotretinoin is not worth the risk it presents. Luckily, there are many highly effective natural remedies for the treatment of acne. A few of the more popular ones include:

- Tea tree oil
- Alpha hydroxy acids
- Manuka honey

Some tips for keeping a clear complexion include:

- Drink enough water
- Avoid greasy foods
- Wash or replace your pillow case every other day
- Take a multivitamin
- Eat carrots (a natural way to get vitamin A)
- Avoid wearing makeup
- Keep your hair off of your face
- Wash your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser
- Take a zinc supplement
- Eat a diet rich in organic produce
- Avoid hydrogenated oils (trans-fats)

Don't give up until you find a treatment or regimen that works for you. It will most likely be a combination of preventative measures, dietary/lifestyle choices and natural remedies that will end up giving you the clear complexion you desire. Whatever you do, don't give up and take the easy way out by resorting to dangerous drugs. Everybody responds differently to acne treatments so it may take some time and experimenting but you will eventually find the best system for you.