Just wanted to make a post for eveyrone on this board who has helped me over the past few months. I found this website just surfing the net one day, and this is by far the best website I've found yet for anything.

You guys are all down to earth, smart, and kick ass people. I was new to a lot of the stuff that has to do with anabolics, supplements, etc. You've guys helped me a ton. Not even directly, just surfing the message board and reading your responses to other people's problems.

I don't post much on here just yet since I'm still "the newbie" but I read the board almost everyday, and usually more than once or twice a day. You all really helped me through my first cycle and I don't know what I would have done without this board. Everytime I had a question, most of the time you guys probably thought they were stupid ones, but either way you answered in a reasonable fashion. Other boards there would have been name-calling, refusing to answer the post, etc.

So just wanted to say thanks especially guys like BigJim and Rado and you others that I forgot that always respond to all my posts.

Thanks fellas.