I won't be doing it for about 4 months or so and I will be around 185-190lbs at about 12%. I am 6 foot and will be 22. I have been doing research for a long while now.

Test Enanthate 500mg/week 1-10
Dbol 30mg/day 1-4
L-dex or A-dex .5mg ED 1-15
finasteride .5mg ED 1-15
ALA 1000-2000mg ED 1-6
Milk thistle 500mg ED 1-6

Clomid started two weeks after last injection. Day one=300mgs next ten days=100mgs ED last ten days=50mgs ED.

Yeah, yeah, I might be a litte excessive on the anciliary's. But what do you guys think. Any improvements you have in mind, things I forgot. Thanks in advance.