Do you ever feel like your life is mass chaos? Just can't seem to ever get things in order? No worries, bodybuilding will keep you organized and on track.

Do you ever feel like your life is mass chaos? Your kitchen needs cleaning, work routinely calls after hours on your personal cell phone with the latest "crisis" and your (insert household appliance or car part here) just broke down and must be replaced right away. No worries, bodybuilding will keep you organized and on track.

What Is Organization?

Organization doesn't only refer to having your socks neatly folded and stacked by color and season in your sock drawer. Instead, this word applies to a broad array of areas of your life that could benefit from formal planned structure, coordination and direction. When an area of your life, say your email inbox, is organized, it is used efficiently and in a somewhat methodical manner. And, that makes life a lot easier in the long run because you know what you responded to, you can easily find all emails on a particular topic and more.

According to organization experts, getting organized in one area of your life will carryover to other areas. So, for instance, if you feel like your house is disorganized mess, maintaining a consistent, organized schedule and "to do" list, will help you find time and a solution to tackling your house chores.

How Bodybuilding Helps You Organize Your Life:

Bodybuilding Makes You Stick To A Schedule

Once you start bodybuilding, you set goals and realize that in order to reach those goals, you must have some sort of planned training program and diet. You can't just go to the gym a few times a week and randomly choose exercises and expect to walk out months later with an incredible body. But, sticking to your bodybuilding routine means you don't have all the time in the world to get other things in life done. So, instead of lollygagging around when not at the gym, you know that you must tackle your work, emails, kid's homework and house projects with gusto because time is limited and, your workout is calling!

Bodybuilding Helps You Look At Solutions

Got an issue you need to work through? Though plowing through things that come on your table (new job, offer to refinance your mortgage and more), will inevitably get you from point A to B, it may not do so in a thoughtful fashion. Instead, if you take the time to workout and while working out, think about your situation, chances are you'll come up with a better solution. There's something about putting away all distractions and exercising that helps you clear your thoughts and think things through before reacting.

Bodybuilding Teaches You To Reach For Help

If you need a spotter, need a new workout routine or help with your diet, you ask for it. And, knowing the quickest way to ensure success is to ask for expert help, you also do this in other areas of your life by getting help at home, at work or in certain areas of your life (relationships, grief, injuries, illness and more).

Additional Tips To Stay Organized:

Hire An Organizational Expert

Got clutter? You may not qualify for the show Hoarders but, that doesn't meet you won't benefit from hiring an organization expert to help you sort through the stuff in your house and streamline your life. If this seems daunting, opt for something like David Allen's Getting Things Done CD set. He presents simple, effective solutions for dealing with papers, files, emails and more.

Find An Expert To Help You Organize Specific Areas

If your finances are not where you want them, your taxes complicated or your kid's 529 not where it needs to be, you hire a financial consultant, accountant (CPA), or both. After all, you may just be wasting time doing the wrong thing when you could shell out a little money to work with an expert on a plan that will get you on track asap.

Hire A Business Coach, Recruiter Or Job Coach

If you aren't where you want to be in your career, hire a coach (or visit your college's career center) to get you there. Likewise, if you own your own business but need help moving it forward, quit doing everything for yourself and hire people to help guide you.


If you aren't systematically approaching certain areas of your life, you are basically riding in the car of life without steering the wheel in the direction you'd like to go. This may work in some areas; maybe you randomly stumbled upon the right job for instance, while you may need to take control of the wheel in many other cases. After all, none of us are experts in all areas of life and if we surround ourselves with experts who cut our hair, manage our yard or manage our finances, we'll end up with better results in less time.