NaturalNews) In the art of Spiritual Nutrition, there are several major stages of dietary transition.

The word "transition" creates the possibility of continual and conscious change in our life. It keeps the door open to evolution. We are all in transition on every level of our mind-body-spirit function. The stages of Spiritual Nutrition progress all the way up to the "Olympic" level, though they start with simply transitioning off of bioacidic foods. The "Olympic event" we are training for and participating in, of course, is the planetary transformation of consciousness.

While we explore these transitions, it must also be said that if we are not able to function adequately in our worldly roles, or we are too reactive to pollution as a result of the pure diet we eat, then our diet is not correct, no matter how pure it is. In the art of Spiritual Nutrition, to maintain balance, health, and sovereignty, our concern is not with the ideal of the purest diet, but with the most appropriate diet for the flow of spiritual energy and our living situation.

Transitioning off Bioacidic Foods

The first stage includes letting go of processed, irradiated, genetically engineered, adulterated, fast foods, and junk foods such as white sugar, white bread, candy, frozen dinners, pastries, soft drinks, coffee, and any non-organic meats treated with nitrates and nitrites, pasteurized milk and cheeses, baked goods containing refined oils, foods containing additives, and alcohol. This stage takes time. It involves pondering what has been put in the foods, and learning where to shop to get healthy foods.

Increasing Vegetables

In the next stage we add more vegetables because their alkalinizing minerals help the system begin to rebalance and detoxify from the acid production of the red meats that the vegetables are replacing. In considering this transition, it is important to remember that flesh foods slow down the spiritualizing action of the spiritual energy in the body.

Evolving as a Superconductor of the Divine

The next stage begins with what is approximately described as the macrobiotic diet and Paavo Airola's lactovegetarian diet, which is the basic diet eaten by cultures around the world that are known for their health and longevity. In this stage also, the awareness of and knowledge about food combining, high or low-protein diet according to constitution, how to prepare plant-sourced only foods, and the proper timing and amounts of foods become more refined. It is the stage of learning sprouting skills and the meaning of rejuvenating foods. Towards the refined end of this stage is a shift to 60-80% bioactive (raw) and biogenetic (life-generating) foods, and 20-40% biostatic (cooked) foods. This diet may last a long time, and for many is even the maintenance stage. Practiced at 80% live and biogenic food, it will provide a graduate detoxification over the years, slowly increasing our superconductivity of cosmic energy within our system. This diet is fully supportive of spiritual life.

"Intercollegiate" Spiritual Nutrition

Green vegetables and some low-glycemic fruit increase to about 35-40 percent of the diet (remembering that each of us must find our own optimal percentages). The high percentage of structured water in these foods help to dissolve toxins and increase the transport of nutrients in the cells. Biogenic foods are the most oxygenated and restorative. By increasing the flow of life-force energy into the system, this diet significantly increases the potential for the critical energy level be reached for awakening the fully spiritualizing energy that lays dormant within us. This diet also accelerates the purifying and spiritualizing action of the spiritual energy, once it is awakened.

This stage is actually very easy to follow. I have arrived at this diet over 35 years of experimentation. The live foods are constant reminder of our connection to the living planet and the cycles of nature. Part of the reason I and others have maintained a stable weight, similar to our weight at high school graduation, is that this diet supplies more than sufficient nutrients, compared to the RDA values. It is important to remember that in the process of our transmutation, less and less physical food is needed to maintain the physical body adequately. Yet the data we have leaves no doubt about the adequacy of this type of diet in terms of the materialistic-mechanistic concept of nutrition.

Increasing protein and fat with biogenic seed cheeses, avocados, soaked nuts and seeds, and ground flax, we can even increase our weight. Learning to adjust these nutrients to maintain optimal physical function and strength for our worldly work is part of the art of Spiritual Nutrition.

Olympic Training and Participation

The "Olympic" part of this stage includes Spiritual Fasting during three to four seven-day green juice fasts per year. It may also include at least one forty-day fast at some point in our evolution. Fasts are time of increased meditation and fasting from worldly activities. This is a powerful spiritual practice that enhances the transformational process. Spiritual Fasting, with increased meditation, most effectively turns our system into a superconductor for the purifying, spiritualizing energy. After we reach a certain point of purification, the fasting program is no longer done for purification. By following the 40-percent biogenic, 95-100-percent live-food diet, our body is able to purify at a rate equal to the internal metabolic toxin production and the environmental pollution exposure. One then begins to use the fasting to further enhance the superconductive spiritualizing energy flow and transcendent transformation.

Sources for this article include:

1. Cousens, Gabriel. Spiritual Nutrition. Berkeley, CA, North Atlantic Books, 2005.
2. Airola, Paavo. How to Get Well. Phoenix, AZ, Health Plus Publishing, 1974.
3. Kushi, Michio. Natural Healing through Macrobiotics. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1979.
4. Wigmore, Ann. The Hippocrates Diet. Wayne, NJ: Avery Publishing Group Inc., 1984.
5. Kulvinskas, Viktoras. Survival into the 21st Century. Woodstock Valley, CA: 21st Century Publications, 1975.