I finished my first cycle two months ago. Which was:

300 mg QV Deca/wk wks 1-10
500 mg QV Enthanate/wk wks 5-10
25 mg dbol ed wks 5 & 6
Intermission for post cycle therapy

I am 6 ft. and I started this cycle at 205 lbs. bf~12%. At week 10 I was up to 228 lbs. and made decent strength gains. I was a little bloated for a weeks after. Couldn't get any anti-e's for the post cycle. Two months later I'm down to steady 212 lbs and lost some strength. I am not complaining because I have more size and strength than before I started, but I was hoping to keep a little more. Do you guys think the missing anti-e's was the problem? Or do you think my weight gain was mostly water weight?