Lunch is often the forgotten meal of the day. In our busy schedules and lives having lunch has seemed to drop to the bottom of our daily to do lists. Lunch is designed to give us the energy to get us through the rest of our day, but many of us seem to just grab whatever we see or get something out of a machine. These are not the healthiest choices, our lunches should include vital protein and nutrients to help sustain us until dinner. Munching on chips is not the best lunch choice, which is why we are going to offer healthy and quick lunches.

If you're like a lot of us and have to eat at your desk, something light and easy would be best suited for you. There are many ways that you can make a standard sandwich healthier. Choose meats that are lean and add a lot of vegetables. Vegetables offer you the crunch that you would normally get from eating a bag of chips. You might also want to consider enjoying a wrap for lunch, having a wrap is easier to handle and you won't have to worry about any of your ingredients falling on top of your desk.

If you're not a sandwich or wrap person, then maybe a salad or bowl of soup might be best for you. Salads are easy to personalize with your favorite ingredients and do not require a lot of extra preparation. For protein you can add a hardboiled egg or some ham, this will easily give you enough energy to make it through the rest of the day. Soups are also easy and require only warming when you are ready to eat them. Soups provide you with vegetables and protein if you have added meat to your soup. They are a healthy alternative and easy to grab and go.

There are many alternative for lunch, you don't have to settle for the fast and easy hamburger or pizza that many of us have had before. If you are short on time in the morning, it is easy to prepare any of the above ideas the night before that way they are ready for you to grab on your way out the door. All of the ideas listed above will help make your lunch more enjoyable and healthier than many of the alternatives that are available for us to choose from. If you do order out with your co-workers, always look for the healthiest alternative on the menu. This will help you from feeling guilty for choosing the double cheeseburger over the salad. Remember that lunch is as important as any other meal eaten throughout the day and shouldn't be forgotten or overlooked.