Working out is half the equation. You've got to eat clean if you desire maximum results. That means you need to keep an eye on sugar in your diet. When trying to cut sugar out of your diet and nutrition, you can use some of the best natural sugar substitutes. These substitutes include those found naturally in fruits.

If you are craving sugar try eating a Cutie orange. Many fruits do have natural sugar already in them. Most diabetics know which fruits they have to watch out for when it comes to their daily diet. Most diabetics can eat all types of fruit; they just have to count the sugar and carbohydrates into their daily diets.

Use ripe bananas in your oatmeal to sweeten it up. Smash up the bananas and add to the oatmeal. You can either add the banana before you cook the oatmeal or afterwards. If you cook the smashed banana with the oatmeal you will get an even sweeter taste and creamier texture.

You may choose to use honey as one of the best natural sugar substitutes when following your diet and nutrition plan. If you like to drink a cup of tea each day and want to sweeten it up, honey is the perfect solution. Honey will give you that added sweetness as well as a rich honey flavor. You may decide to even use raw honey (naturally solid and translucent) for a baking substitute for sugar. When a recipe calls for sugar you can use raw honey. If the recipe calls for two cups of sugar, you will use half of the raw honey amount. So two cups of sugar would equal one cup of raw honey.

Another one of the best natural sugar substitutes for your daily diet and nutrition includes the brand truvia. Truvia is known as "Nature's calorie-free sweetener." The brand truvia is rebiana which comes from the sweet leaf of the stevia plant. You will find the stevia plant in South America. After the dried stevia leaves are steeped in water and then they are purified to bring you the calorie-free sweetener. You can use truvia on your cereal, oatmeal, fruits or anything you want sugar on. Truvia has the same texture as granulated sugar. Most people cannot tell the difference from granular sugar and truvia.

You may choose to use organic maple syrup as one of the best natural sugar substitutes in your diet and nutrition plan. In place of sugar, use organic maple syrup on your oatmeal after it is cooked. Gently pour all around your bowl so the syrup is not in one spot for best results. You may also bake with maple syrup in place of sugar. Use maple syrup at a one to one ratio when baking.

You can easily cut granulated sugar out of your diet and use one or more of the best natural sugar substitutes listed above in your daily diet and nutrition plan.