Juicing is a great way for busy people to eat healthy and lose weight while eating on the go. It also appeals to those serious about fitness that are seeking natural and healthy post-workout snacks. The basic idea behind juicing is to create juices built solely on fruits, vegetables, and natural supplements like flax. Certain vegetables and fruits offer different health benefits, and it's important to keep this in mind when building your desired concoction.

Cucumbers are a popular choice for juicing, as they are known for cutting the strong taste of many other vegetables also great for juicing. Cucumbers are great for cleansing the kidneys and lowering blood pressure. Cucumbers are high in silica, which means they are good for strengthening bones, muscles, and tendons. Using a cucumber that doesn't require peel removal will save you a lot of time.

Another staple vegetable for juicing is the carrot, as they are naturally sweet and add balance to vegetable juices that tend to be acidic. Carrots are shown to boost your immune system and improve your eyesight. They are inexpensive, which makes them an even more appealing ingredient for your juicing. Any pulp left over after you finish juicing carrots can easily be used in salads.

A vegetable juice should contain a few herbs for health benefits and flavor. An herb that's easily found in stores, and has a strong taste (great for juicing) is parsley. Parsley is also known as having cleansing properties, and it increases the amount of oxygen sent to your brain. When adding parsley to your juice, be careful not to add too much. The strong flavor means it should be used sparsely, with only one part of parsley needed for every ten parts of vegetables.

Garlic is also popular for adding flavor to your juice, with the added benefit of cutting down the amount of acid found in the mixture. Like parsley, garlic should be added sparingly.

To keep vegetable juices from being too calorically dense, be sure to include plenty of leafy vegetables. This requires juicing at a lower speed for a shorter period of time. Leafy vegetables are not only lower in calories, but also high in vitamins.

When juicing, resist the urge to combine fruits and vegetables together. Fruits and veggies require your body to digest differently, which makes your body work harder to process the juice. Juices should be consumed alone and not with other foods. Juices are best digested when they are the only things your body needs to focus on.