It would be hard to argue that anabolic steroids are safe, to the contract their side effects can be quite severe. People have continued to use these drugs even though they well know that they carry a significant risk of harmful side effects. The lure of very rapid muscle mass growth, overall strength and physical endurance can be too much for some to ignore. The competition is fierce at the upper levels of professional bodybuilding, and people may take anabolic steroids for no other reason than to remain competitive. In this article, we'll focus on some of the specific side effects that can come from excessive steroid use over time. As with any other drug, the degree of actual damage will depend on a set of conditions. However, we can say with near certainty that liver damage will result from steroid use. The degree of damage can be as minor as impaired liver function or as serious as organ failure. Kidney damage can also result, which carries an equally grave prognosis. Steroids that are administered orally come with the greatest degree of risk.steriods put your life on steriods live a social life free of shyness social anxiety facebook how to put your life on steriod
