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    Thread: All You Want to Know About Peptides

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      Default All You Want to Know About Peptides

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      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      Peptide Effectiveness Ratings

      IMPORTANT NOTE: GH (Growth Hormone) Releasing Peptides and other peptides mentioned on this website DO NOT cause quick changes in body composition as may be the case with anabolic steroids for building muscle mass, or stimulant weight-loss drugs such as Duromine, Albuterol, Clenbuterol etc.

      To gain any significant benefit from these products you must be committed to taking them for 3 months at a minimum, however 6 months is usually better. They provide slow and steady gains/losses in weight (depending on your goal), but the advantage to this is the results are much more permanent than drugs which cause rapid changes in body composition, and they have a much better safety profile with little to no side effects.
      Below we have ranked each of the 8 peptides mentioned on this website according to various goals for which they are used. The rankings are based on both feedback from longer-term users of the products and also clinical trials. Please note, the rankings are based assuming each peptide is used on its own, not when used in combination with other peptides (which can significantly increase their effectiveness). To read which peptides are best used together, please visit the Peptide Combinations information page.

      Note: For side effects, the higher the rating, the fewer the side effects.

      Product Fat Muscle Injury Anti Cost Side Name loss. Gain. Repair Aging. Effective Effects
      GHRP-6 *** *** *** **** ***** **
      GHRP-2 *** *** *** **** ***** **
      IPAMORELIN *** *** *** **** *** *****
      IGF-1 LR3 **** **** **** ** **** ***
      PEG-MGF *** **** ** * *** ****
      MOD. GRF 1-29 *** *** *** **** *** ***
      CJC-1295 (DAC) **** ***** **** ***** *** **
      HGH FRAG 176-191 ***** - - - *** *****

      For Beginners
      Persons who don't normally diet/exercise and who are interested in anti-aging or cosmetic improvements in their body shape, or those who wish to only use a single product and for a short amount of time (3 months).

      Best Muscle Building Product: CJC-1295 DAC
      Best Fat Loss Product: HGH Fragment 176-191
      Best Anti-Aging Product: GHRP-6

      For Intermediates
      Persons who train (strength training and/or cardiovascular) a few times a week and are interested a "cycle" of significant length (3-6 months) involving a combination of two products to increase their effectiveness and results.

      Best Muscle Building Combination: GHRP-6 + CJC-1295 DAC
      Best Fat Loss Combination: HGH Fragment 176-191 + CJC-1295 DAC

      For Advanced Athletes
      Persons who follow a very strict training (strength and/or cardiovascular) and diet regime who wish to utilize as many products as possible, and for a significant amount of time (6 months or more), in order to gain maximal results:

      Best Muscle Building Combination: GHRP-6 + CJC-1295 DAC + IGF-1 LR3
      Best Fat Loss Combination: HGH Fragment 176-191 + CJC-1295 DAC + IGF-1 LR3
      Safest* Overall (for long term usage) Combination: GHRP-6 + Modified GRF 1-29 + IGF-1 LR3

      *While CJC-1295 DAC is by far the most potent, effective and convenient peptide for muscle gain, fat loss and anti-aging, it causes a continual GH release in the body. Although this has not been proven unsafe, even in very high dosages, it is not known what continuous year-round use could do to the pituitary gland. This is why it is always recommended to cycle CJC-1295 DAC every 3-6 months with its shorter-acting brother Modified GRF 1-29 which only causes pulses of GH and not a continual "GH bleed". It should be noted however that for maximal benefit in the quickest possible time, CJC-1295 DAC should definitely be used and not completely avoided as some have suggested.

      Peptide Combinations Guide

      Growth Hormone (GH) and IGF-1 are naturally occurring hormones in the human body responsible for many enviable aesthetic traits such as muscle mass, leanness and a firm/even skin tone. As people age, levels of growth hormone rapidly decline and this is one of the main reasons humans put on weight, lose muscle mass and develop sagging/uneven skin. It's no surprise then that synthetic Human Growth Hormone is a sought after product for anti-aging by persons looking to remain youthful, bodybuilders looking to put on muscle mass and people in general who are looking to "tone up" or lose stubborn belly fat.

      It is important to note that the products mentioned on this website are not the actual synthetic HGH (although HGH Frag 176-191 is the part of the "real" HGH which contributes to fat loss only). But in many respects these peptide analogues are far superior to the HGH 191aa drug for 3 reasons:
      Actual HGH is very difficult or impossible to obtain in most countries and is one of the most faked/counterfeit drugs sold online.

      If HGH can be obtained legally from a physician for anti-aging it's extremely expensive, with 10iu (units) costing as much as $200USD. As a comparison, the 10iu equivalent of GH releasing peptides (approximately half of one vial) sells online for approximately $20USD, a full 90% cheaper than actual HGH for the same, if not better, positive effects on the body.

      Since actual HGH shuts down the body's natural pituitary gland, when you stop injecting it, your body's own ability to produce Growth Hormone is hindered and you will suffer a rebound of negative side effects such as fat gain, muscle loss and loss of skin tone/elasticity. This means you may end up doing yourself more harm than good. Since GH releasing peptides only stimulate your body's own natural production, there is no rebound negative effects if you stop usage.

      The following guide indicates the best way to combine different peptides depending on your experience level of diet/training and also your goal:

      Fat Loss
      Muscle Building

      As a general introduction, you should understand the different classes of peptides as this largely determines their combinations:

      Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones (GHRH): include Modified GRF 1-29 and CJC-1295 DAC, are peptides which stimulate the pituitary gland to release stores of the body's natural Growth Hormone (GH).

      Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP): include Ipamorelin, GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, peptides which stimulate the release of a hormone called "Ghrelin" in the stomach, which then in turn causes GH to be released. GHRP's cause a much more significant release of GH than do GHRH, meaning that mg for mg, a peptide like GHRP-6 is three times more potent than Modified GRF 1-29. However, when taken together, they become approximately ten times more potent than either one alone.

      IGF-1 Peptides: include IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1e (also known as MGF or Mechano Growth Factor). IGF-1 is responsible for many of the positive effects of GH on fat loss and muscle building therefore they offer a good addition, especially if your goal is to build muscle, as they are both responsible for creating new muscle cells which can hypertrophy (get bigger) through weight training.

      HGH Fragment 176-191: is a peptide which does not stimulate the release of GH but is instead a piece (or "fragment") of the full synthetic 191aa HGH molecule. More importantly, it is the fragment of GH which is responsible for fat loss, meaning it gives all of the fat loss benefits without any side effects.

      As a general rule, regardless of your goal, if you are just looking to take one product, with the least amount of fuss and injections as possible, then it should be CJC-1295 DAC at 2mg (1 vial) per week. Due to its long half-life it causes your overall level of GH (Growth Hormone) to rise, and you will therefore see some improvements in things which go along with having higher levels of GH and IGF-1 such as improved body shape, sleep, skin and general wellbeing (although it can make you tired for the first 1-2 weeks while the body adjusts). Your dosage can be taken as just one injection per week (note that you may notice a head rush/flushing for 15-20 minutes after your injection due to the release of GABA in the body, a sign the product is working).
      For information about more intricate and advanced usage of GH peptides please read on.

      Fat Loss

      The most potent weight loss peptide is HGH Fragment 176-191 which is the part of the Growth Hormone molecule responsible for fat burning. In HGH Frag Studies, it has been proven to reduce body fat, particularly in the abdominal area. The second most potent fat loss peptide is CJC-1295 DAC since it causes the overall GH level to rise in the body (the opposite of what happens naturally as a person gets older, which is why people tend to put on weight as they age). If your only goal is fat loss, it's often best to avoid the use of GHRP products (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) since they can stimulate hunger and/or raise cortisol, both of which can be counterproductive to fat burning.

      Diet Considerations

      For GH to exhibit its fat burning effects, insulin must NOT be present. Insulin release in the body is caused mainly by consuming carbohydrates, although all types of macronutrients (carbs, fat and protein) still cause the release of insulin to some extent. Since HGH Frag works by causing the body to break down and release stored fat for use as energy, if you have recently consumed calories (food or beverage) your body will just use that for energy instead and little extra fat will be burnt. If however there is no food present for the body to use as energy, it will use the stored fat which the HGH Frag has caused to be released and you will notice reductions in body fat over the ensuing weeks.

      Due to CJC-1295 DAC's long half-life the timing of meals is not important and this is what makes it an appealing addition to HGH Frag 176-191 to accelerate fat loss. To get the most out of your peptide usage for fat loss, the following guidelines should be followed:

      Avoid eating/drinking anything with calories for three (3) hours either side of your injection.
      Try to make all your meals throughout the day high protein, low fat and low carbohydrates (eg. meat/fish with vegetables/salad).
      Have as few meals as possible during the day as periods of fasting have been shown in many studies to improve fat loss and also longevity (i.e. eating less will make you live longer).

      Sample Peptide Cycles


      HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day.


      HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day + CJC-1295 DAC at 300mcg per day or;
      HGH Frag 176-191 at 250-500mcg per day + Modified GRF 1-29 at 100-300mcg per day (split into dosages of 100mcg)

      Example Injection Routines

      Example 1 - Night Time Injection (recommended)
      Ensure you do not eat or drink anything containing calories within three (3) hours of going to bed (with the exception of water, diet sodas, coffee/tea with artificial sweeteners).
      Take your HGH Frag 176-191 injection just before getting into bed and your body will therefore be burning stored fat for the duration of your sleep.
      If possible, do some cardio first thing in the morning and wait as long as possible before having breakfast to allow the fat burning to continue throughout the morning/day.

      Example 2 - Morning Injection
      Wake up and inject your HGH Frag 176-191 (250mcg to 500mcg is a good dosage depending on your budget).
      Wait as long as possible before having your first meal (the longer you wait the more fat you will burn).
      When you do eat, try to make the meal high protein, low fat and low carbohydrate (example meat and salad/vegetables).
      If possible, try to do some cardio in the hours after your injection to increase the fat burning effect.

      Note: If you are a person concerned about loss of muscle mass, you can consume a small amount of protein every 2-3 hours (amino acid tablets such as EAA and BCAA are good for this purpose and can be purchased from any health food shop or ordered online). However there is little reason to be concerned about muscle loss because when fat is available for energy, such as following HGH Frag 176-191 injections, protein and therefore muscle mass are spared.

      Adding CJC-1295 DAC
      You can add CJC-1295 DAC at 2mg once per week (or 300mcg each day along with your HGH Frag 176-191 injections - they can be mixed in the same syringe without any issues). You should take a break from CJC-1295 DAC every few months to give your pituitary gland a rest at which time you can continue to use HGH Frag 176-191 on its own, or you can substitute the CJC-1295 DAC with the short acting Modified GRF 1-29 at 100-300mcg per day (split into injections of 100mcg).

      Muscle Building

      Growth Hormone (GH) exhibits its muscle building effects mainly after its conversion to IGF-1 (Insulin-Like-Growth Factor). This makes IGF-1 an ideal choice of peptides for muscle building, especially since the IGF-1 LR3 version has an extended half-life which allows it to remain active in the muscles for many hours to complete its muscle building stimulatory effects. Likewise, if injected after a workout, the IGF-1 variant Mechano Growth Factor (also known as MGF or IGF-1e) is known to multiply muscle cells and contribute to muscle development. Furthermore, since IGF-1 is a by-product of GH, any peptide which increases levels of GH in the body such as a GHRP product or CJC-1295 product will obviously lead to increased lean muscle mass.

      Diet Considerations
      For Growth Hormone (GH) to perform its anabolic (muscle building) affects it requires the presence of the body's most anabolic hormone: insulin. This is in contrast to GH related fat loss which requires insulin to be absent. However, since GHRP and fast-acting GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) products (i.e. Modified GRF 1-29) still need time to stimulate the body to release GH from the pituitary gland, the insulin spike must come after the injection and not before, otherwise the GH release will be blunted.

      The only exception to this is of course CJC-1295 DAC since it's long-half life and continual release of GH means it is not affected by food timing.
      To get the most out of your peptide usage for muscle building, the following guidelines should be followed:

      If injecting just a GHRP or GHRH product on their own, avoid eating/drinking anything high in fat for 3 hours before your injection and anything high in carbohydrates for 2 hours before (i.e. always do your injection on an empty stomach), otherwise the amount of GH release they cause may be significantly blunted leading to poor results.
      If injecting both a GHRP and GHRH together (e.g. 100mcg of both GHRP-6 and Modified GRF 1-29) studies have proven that their ability to release GH returns to full-strength as little as 1 hour (60 minutes) post-meal. This gives users greater flexibility with their meal timings, especially since consuming sufficient calories is so critical to building muscle.
      Whether injecting GH peptides alone or along with others, always wait at least 20 minutes after your injection before consuming anything. Once at least 20 minutes has passed, consume a food/beverage high in protein and/or carbohydrates to stimulate an insulin spike (if you inject in the morning and around your workout, this meal/shake should be high protein and high carbohydrates, if you inject at night this consumption should be protein only as protein is sufficient enough to spike insulin, but without the negative impact on fat gain which carbohydrates can contribute to).

      Sample Peptide Cycles


      CJC-1295 DAC at 2mg per week or;
      GHRP Product (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) at 200mcg once per day.


      GHRP Product at 200mcg + Mod. GRF 1-29 at 100mcg (2 times per day) or;
      GHRP Product at 200mcg + CJC-1295 DAC at 100mcg per day (2 times per day).


      GHRP Product at 200mcg + CJC-1295 DAC at 100mcg (2 times per day) + IGF-1 at 50mcg after workouts or;
      GHRP Product at 200mcg + Mod. GRF 1-29 at 100mcg (2 times per day) + PEG-MGF at 200mcg after workouts.

      Example Injection Routines


      CJC-1295 DAC
      2mg taken once per week, at any time of day.

      GHRP + GHRH (once per day)
      Inject your dosage (ensuring you have not consumed any food/beverages for at least 1 hour before, an optimal time would be first thing in the morning).
      Ingest a protein only or protein and carbohydrate meal afterward to create an insulin spike.
      Do weight training in the hours afterwards.


      GHRP + GHRH (twice per day)
      Inject your GHRP + GHRH peptides together in the same syringe (ensuring you have not consumed any food/beverages for at least 1 hour before, an optimal time would be first thing in the morning).
      Ingest a protein only or protein and carbohydrate meal afterward to create an insulin spike.
      Do weight training in the hours afterwards.
      at least 1 hour after your dinner (or last meal of the day), take your second GHRP + GHRH injection.
      If you are trying to control your body fat then have a protein only meal 20-30 minutes afterwards, otherwise a protein/carbohydrate meal will create a better insulin spike.


      GHRP + GHRH + IGF-1
      Follow the same routine as shown above for "intermediate" persons. However, as soon as possible after your weight training you should also inject 200mcg of PEG-MGF (IGF-1e) and/or 50mcg of IGF-1 LR3 preferably into a muscle (although due to the long half-life of both products, sub-q injections are also acceptable). If injecting intramuscularly, you should make sure that the muscle you are injecting into is not covered by a thick layer of fat. Usually due to the length of insulin syringe needles, injections are therefore limited to the biceps for most persons.

      While GHRP + GHRH can be injected each day with great benefit, even if you don't do weight training on that day. On the other hand, IGF-1 LR3 and MGF injections should be reserved for post-workout only.


      For the Anti-Aging crowd, we recommend choosing only 1 peptide, rather than a combination. The reason for this is that as you get older your GH levels decline rapidly and therefore you will benefit from any kind of GH increase meaning there is no need to overdo things with multiple peptides. If you wish to use more than one peptide, we recommend cycling a GHRP product (GHRP-6, GHRP-2 or Ipamorelin) every 3-6 months with CJC-1295 DAC for two reasons.

      The first reason is that CJC-1295 DAC is a GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone) acting directly at the pituitary, while GHRP products indirectly stimulate GH by causing the release of Ghrelin. Rotating the products would therefore ensure one method of GH stimulation does not get "worn out" from repeated exposure to the peptides. The second reason is that even though CJC-1295 DAC has been proven safe in much higher dosages than we recommend, since it causes a continual GH release (GH bleed) no one can be certain how continual use would affect the pituitary in the long-term, so it's a case of being "better safe than sorry" and never using it for longer than 6 months at a time without a break.

      Diet Considerations

      For CJC-1295 DAC there are no particular diet restrictions that need to be followed due to its long half-life. For GHRP products the following should be observed as insulin and fatty acids can blunt the release of GH in the body and therefore make your injections less effective:
      Avoid eating/drinking anything high in fat for 3 hours before your injection and anything high in carbohydrates for 1-2 hours (always do your injection on an empty stomach).
      Wait at least 20 minutes after your injection before eating/drinking anything with calories.

      Injection Amounts

      CJC-1295 DAC taken at 2000mcg (2mg) once per week or;
      GHRP Product (GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin) taken at 200mcg per day.

      Example Injection Routines

      CJC-1295 DAC
      2mg taken once per week, at any time of day.

      GHRP-2, GHRP-6 or Ipamorelin

      Example 1 - Night Time Injection (recommended to reduce possible tiredness during day).
      Ensure you have an empty stomach (i.e. 2-3 hours since your last meal).
      Inject your GHRP peptide and go straight to bed.

      Example 2 - Morning injection
      Take your injection of the GHRP product first thing in the morning at 100mcg.
      Wait at least 20 minutes before having breakfast or any beverages (including coffee/tea).

      Peptide Storage & Expiry

      The storage information in this article is applicable to all of the following peptides as they are manufactured by the same process (lyophilization): GHRP Peptides, CJC-1295 Peptides, HGH Frag 176-191 and IGF-1 Peptides.

      Storage Environment

      Both mixed and unmixed vials should be stored in sealed plastic satchels or containers and kept away from food in the refrigerator to prevent any risk of cross-contamination.

      Freezing Vials

      Freezing vials is permitted for unmixed vials only (i.e. vials still in powder form and not reconstituted with water), however, they should only ever be frozen and thawed out again once as repeated freeze/thaw cycles can damage the peptide chain. Since vials remain stable in the refrigerator for 12 months (1 year), freezing vials should be reserved for situations where you plan on storing unmixed vials for more than 12 months.

      Pre-Loading Syringes

      Pre-loading syringes and storing them in the refrigerator or freezer will not compromise the quality, so in that sense they are fine to use. However, if a syringe is pre-loaded and frozen, there is a risk that it may come out of solution into particles. When thawed out the peptide may not return into solution and possibly cause irritation or damage at the injection site.

      Storage Times

      The recommended storage/expiry times for all injectable peptides as advised by the manufacturer are as follows:

      Room temperature (up to 45 degrees Celsius)
      Mixed vials - <48 hours
      Unmixed vials - 60 days

      Refrigerator temperature (2-8 degrees Celsius)
      Mixed vials - 2 months
      Unmixed vials - 12 months (1 year)

      Freezer temperature (-20 degrees Celsius)
      Mixed vials - Should not be frozen
      Unmixed vials - 24 months (2 years)

      Any vials you have which are stored outside of these times/temperatures are still safe to use, they will not cause you any harm. The only thing to keep in mind is that they may have begun to degrade and will not be 100% as effective as a new and unexpired vial, so your results may not be as good. However this is only a general guideline; many have found that even "expired" vials, or vials not stored at cooled temperatures are still fully effective.

      Mixing Peptides

      Below are demonstration videos showing how to correctly and safely mix and inject peptides. The videos are applicable to GHRP Peptides, CJC-1295 Peptides, HGH Frag 176-191 and IGF-1 Peptides as the mixing procedure is exactly the same for each.

      Please wait while the videos load:
      Videos coming soon...

      If you are unable to watch the videos on this website, please try viewing their direct links below:

      Mixing Peptides - Youtube
      Injecting Peptides - Youtube
      Mixing Peptides - Viddler
      Injecting Peptides - Viddler

      Also, for your convenience, in case you are unable to view the videos, please see below a written summary of mixing and injecting peptides:

      How to Mix Peptides

      Gather your 4 supplies for mixing: peptide vial, insulin syringe, sterile mixing solution, alcohol swab.
      Flip off the colour top of the peptide vial with your thumb.
      Use the alcohol swab to clean (sterilise) the grey rubber stopper of the peptide vial.
      Open the syringe packet and the plastic water ampule (by twisting the end off). Insert the insulin syringe into the end of the water ampule (if you push it in with gentle force it should be a snug fit which will mean no spilling when you turn the ampule upside down with the syringe inside). Withdraw 1ml (100 units) of water. If your syringe is only 0.5ml (50 units) or 0.3ml (30 units) you will need to repeat this step several times until you have injected 1ml (100 units) of water into the vial.
      With the needle end of the syringe facing the roof, remove any air by flicking the syringe barrel so that the air bubbles rise to the top, then push on the plunger to bring the water to the tip of the needle.
      Check that you have the correct amount of water (1ml or 100units), if you have less then withdraw more water from the ampule of mixing solution until you have the right amount.
      Push the syringe into the middle of the rubber stopper so it goes through into the vial.
      Push down on the plunger to inject the water into the vial, trying to aim at the wall instead of directly at the powder.
      Remove the syringe and dispose of it (never re-use a syringe).
      Usually the powder will dissolve quickly, if it does not, gently roll the vial in between your fingers (do not shake the vial vigorously). If it still does not dissolve, simply add another 1ml or 2ml of water and leave the vial overnight in the refrigerator. If you do have to add more water, remember to then double or tripping your product dosage.

      How to Inject Peptides

      Gather your 3 supplies for injecting: peptide vial, insulin syringe, alcohol swab.
      If you are going to inject subcutaneously (into fat) pick a spot on your stomach, thigh or buttocks for injection (remembering to rotate sides each time). If you are going to inject intramuscularly (into the muscle) pick a muscle that is not covered by much fat, such as the bicep, shoulder or calf of the leg.
      Use the alcohol swab to clean (sterilise) the grey rubber stopper of the vial and also the skin on your body where you will inject.
      Open the syringe packet (new syringe only) and push the plunger down to remove any air.
      Insert the syringe into the middle of the vials' rubber stopper (where the small hole is) so it goes through into the vial.
      Turn the vial upside down so the syringe needle is submerged in water, then pull down on the plunger until the syringe fills with your desired dosage amount.
      With the needle end of the syringe facing the roof, remove any air by flicking the syringe barrel so that the air bubbles rise to the top, then push on the plunger to bring the water to the tip of the needle.
      If you are injecting into fat, gently pinch a fold of skin at the injection site you previously cleaned. For injections into muscle this is not required, you just push straight into the muscle - however you should make sure the muscle is not tensed at all and completely relaxed.
      Slowly insert the syringe needle into the layer of fat or into the muscle (ensuring you push it all the way in).
      Using your palm or index finger, slowly push down on the plunger until all the solution is injected.
      Hold it for a few seconds before slowly removing the syringe.
      Once the syringe needle is completely out, let go of the pinched layer of skin if you injected into fat.
      Put the lid back on the syringe and dispose of it (never re-use syringes) and the alcohol swab.
      Place the peptide vial back in the refrigerator (2-8 deg Celsius).

      Syringes & Water Specifications


      Acceptable Insulin Syringe Sizes: 27 gauge, 28 gauge, 29 gauge, 30 gauge, 31 gauge
      Acceptable Insulin Syringe Volume: 0.3ml (30 units), 0.5ml (50 units), 1ml (100 units)
      Recommended: 29g or 30g (the higher the number the thinner the needle), and 1ml (1cc) volume.

      Mixing Solution

      Acceptable Mixing Solutions: bacteriostatic water, sterile water, saline 0.9% nacl, acetic acid
      Recommended: According to the manufacturer, all of the above solutions are equally as effective at keeping freeze-dried peptides stable at refrigerator temperature (2-8 deg Celsius) for at least 2 months.

      Peptide Quality Grade

      GHRP Peptides, CJC-1295 Peptides, HGH Frag 176-191 and IGF-1 peptides are produced for sale in generic form in only two countries: China and Europe. Some online retailers claim to sell USA or Canadian made peptides, however laboratory testing has indicated their products to simply be re-labelled Chinese made peptides.

      Recommendation: Always purchase peptides from online suppliers selling EU made peptides. The standard of quality control for EU manufacturers is much higher and more strictly enforced than Chinese laboratories. Your peptides will be produced under GMP (good manufacturing practices) and are therefore more likely to produce better results, without the high risk of contamination that comes with Chinese made products due to their low quality assurance.

      Peptide Purity

      Peptides should always be a minimum of 99.5% purity. Your online supplier should also have readily available the COA (Certificate of Analysis) for the most recent batch of peptides, with both manufacture and expiry date.

      You should not purchase peptides from a batch which was produced more than 1 month ago as most internet retailers do not have the proper storage facilities for keeping peptides stable for long periods. If you purchase peptides from a small online supplier, you risk receiving vials which have not been properly stored and may be several months old due to their low sales volumes and therefore low turn-over rate of stock.

      Purities of 95% and 98% are often sold online, however they are not intended for human use, they are merely research peptides for usage inside laboratories (in vivo) and not for human consumption (in vitro).

      Peptide Manufacture

      The information in this article explains the freeze-dry manufacture method of peptides. It is applicable to all of the following peptides as the production procedure (lyophilization) is very similar for each: GHRP Peptides, CJC-1295 Peptides, HGH Frag 176-191 and IGF-1 Peptides.

      The intention of this article is to disprove incorrect information on the internet about peptide vials with a "large" appearance, containing additives or fillers.

      Peptide Production Process

      Note: Peptides made for human use are produced and capped in completely sterile laboratory environments where exhaust fans clean the air and prevent contaminants from ever entering the vials.

      GHRP-6 Example

      An amount (eg. 1500mg/1.5g) of GHRP-6 peptide in its raw synthetic form is diluted (until completely dissolved) in 75ml of sterile water, giving a concentration of 20mg/ml.
      0.25ml of water is then distributed into 300 vials, meaning each vial contains 5mg of reconstituted (mixed) GHRP-6 solution.
      Rubber stoppers are inserted into the vials then they are placed in a freeze chamber for 4-5 hours at -50 degrees Celsius.
      Once the vials are frozen they are then removed from the freeze chamber and placed into the drying machine for approximately 24 hours where the solid substance will be isolated from the solution (i.e. the water will be evaporated leaving the freeze-dried peptide where the solution previously was).
      Once the freeze-dry process is complete, the vials are removed from the machine and the flip-top caps are attached manually or by machine.

      Important Point: The process of freeze-drying is used in many industries for different types of perishable goods. It results in a final product which is more stable during transport and able to be stored for longer without degrading. You should therefore only ever buy peptides from a supplier which sells freeze-dried vials.

      Important Warning: Weighing out peptide powder into vials individually is extremely time consuming and not used during the production/packaging of peptides by well-respected manufacturing laboratories. Even with high-analytical scales, it is nearly impossible to accurately weigh out 5mg or less. If you receive vials which contain a tiny/grainy appearance where there is only a light dusting of raw peptide at the bottom of the vial, this indicates you have purchased from a re-seller of peptides, and not directly from the manufacturer. Any such vials are to be considered unsterile and not for human consumption.

      Vacuum Seals

      Vacuum seals can be created by sealing (pushing the rubber stoppers completely into the vial) whilst they remain in the vacuum drying chamber at the end of the freeze-dry process. Vacuum seals are NOT recommended for "bodybuilding" peptides as their sale to the general population for human usage means they have to undergo lengthy transits via aircraft to various warehouses/countries around the world. Due to the high temperatures and pressures which sometimes occur during transit, contaminated air from outside the vial is more likely to be "sucked in" to the vial when there is a vacuum seal present and possibly causing the freeze-dry peptide to melt or degrade.
      Instead of the vials being vacuum pressurized inside the freeze-dry machine they are instead taken out and sealed under GMP (good manufacturing practice) conditions with pure air/nitrogen being used to fill the remaining space in the vial.

      Peptide Appearance

      The image below represents the appearance of a normal peptide vial. You will notice it is not a "powder" consistency but a solid white mass. This is due to freeze-drying (lypholized) and is critical to the quality of peptides. For information about why freeze-dried vials are higher purity than "loose powder" vials please refer to our article about peptide vial production.

      The following are variations which may occur to the appearance of "normal" peptides in both mixed and unmixed form:

      Peptide Will Not Fully Dissolve
      Cloudy/Murky Appearance
      Objects in Vial
      Differing Amounts of "Powder"

      Peptide Will Not Fully Dissolve

      If a peptide does not fully dissolve in water within a few minutes, you should try to add another 1-2ml of water (so that there is 2-3ml of water total inside the vial) and then leave the vial for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Most of the time this will allow the remaining "chunks" inside the vial to completely dissolve into the solution. If you do this, always remember to then double or triple your original dosage.
      Vials where the contents do not fully dissolve are still safe to use and are not contaminated. Peptide manufacturers indicate that the difference in effectiveness will not be noticeable due to the actual peptide weight which remains caught in the non-dissolved mass being such a small amount.

      Non-dissolved fragments are caused by different densities inside the vial during the freeze-drying process. If the density of the vials is not the same everywhere then when water is added the parts with higher density may not dissolve as normal.
      It is important to remember that peptides are designed for laboratory and research purposes and if they were being used for that purpose then any non-dissolved particles could be quickly dissolved with use of an ultrasonicator, or the addition of acetic acid to the vial. Unfortunately with peptide vials which are re-sold for human use, this is often not possible.

      Cloudy/Murky Appearance

      A cloudy or murky appearance of mixed vials indicates the peptide has oxidized slightly during transit. Peptides which have oxidized are still safe to use and will be 100% as effective as peptides with a normal clear appearance. The reason peptides sometimes oxidize is due to the varying temperatures and high pressure of transit by aircraft.
      If you have access to acetic acid, adding a small amount this to the vial should help the contents become clear.

      Objects in Vial

      If there ever appears to be a small object floating inside your peptide vial, this can be one of 4 things:

      Rubber Stopper - whilst inserting the needle a small fragment/s of the rubber stopper have broken off into the vial. The vial is still completely fine to use, and there should be no concern about withdrawing/injecting the fragments of rubber as they cannot fit inside the insulin syringe needle and will therefore always remain inside the vial.
      Crack in Vial - what may appear like small thin/eyelash type contaminants inside the vial are usually hairline cracks on the outside of the glass. These vials are fine to use the damage is cosmetic only and not enough for any external air/contaminants to enter the vial.
      non-dissolved Peptide - any small white mass floating inside the vial is merely non-dissolved freeze-dried mass. There is no risk to continue using the vial and any loss of peptide quantity or effectiveness will not be noticed.
      Foreign Particle - if the object floating inside the mixed solution does not match one of the above then it would be a foreign particle which was pushed into the rubber stopper during a previous attempt to mix/withdraw the peptide solution. It us up to the user decide if they wish to discard the vial or continue using it. Usually the vials are still 100% fine to use as the particle would be too large to fit inside the insulin syringe needle and therefore there is no risk of the user injecting it into their body.

      Differing Amounts of "Powder"

      It is very important to always remember that the peptide itself is not actually the white mass you see inside the vial; this is just a result from the freeze-drying manufacturing process. The peptide is actually the very tiny crystals you can see scattered throughout the white mass if you look very closely at the vial. 2mg-10mg (the amount inside different vials) of peptide is very small, if you imagine one teaspoon of salt is approximately 5000mg, this puts into perspective how small less than 10mg really is - it can barely be seen by the naked eye. The appearance of the white mass should therefore always be ignored.
      To put it further into perspective, a vial filled with water will hold approximately 3.5ml or 3.5g (3500mg). Even if the vials were 1% full, this would equate to 35mg. Vials of GHRP peptides are sometimes 1/4 (25%) full and they do not contain 875mg, but rather still only 5mg of peptide.

      The difference in appearance between vials from the same batch can be accounted for by variances in production and transit. Whilst peptides are in the drying phase of their freeze-dry manufacture, different portions of water may evaporate from each vial depending on the density of that part of the chamber. Vials which have more water evaporate than others will end up resulting in peptide vials with a smaller appearing white mass.

      Similarly, during the high pressures of aircraft transit and high temperatures of ground transit, the freeze-dried mass inside the vial can "shrink", which results in a smaller appearance inside the vial. It should be noted however that since it is a solid, the peptide itself cannot disintegrate or be evaporated, so regardless of what form/amount the white mass takes, the amount of peptide inside the vial remains the same.

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      Default Re: All You Want to Know About Peptides

      good post bro

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      man excellent post!

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      Great info, thank you!!!

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      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      • All You Want to Know About Peptides
      i will have to read this more i have been thinking about running some peps to get some hgh type affects with less cost. looking for some healing and better sleep and fat loss and muscle gain is just a plus
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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