The question of whether athletes should carb load cannot be answered by a simple yes or no. The truth is that there are some cases where carb loading may be beneficial, but others where it will be of no help or even cause problems for the athlete. The main things to consider are the intensity of the workout and, in particular, how long the exercise or event will last. Different types of athletes have different requirements.

Marathon Runners

The one group of athletes that are most likely to be helped by carb loading is marathon runners. They keep up a fairly intense level of activity for a long period of time. The general rule is that if an event or workout lasts more than 90 minutes, there is a possibility that carb loading will help. The muscles will store up plenty of energy in the form of glycogen when the athlete is eating larger amounts of carbohydrates during the days leading up to his event. Only light training is advised during carb loading, so that energy does not get used up. Then, during the marathon race, that energy is on board to last the runner through the long miles ahead.


Cycling, especially a long distance cycling race, is very similar in some ways to marathon running. They are both endurance sports, and as such they may both be helped with carb loading. When an athlete is on a cycle, he does not have time to stop and take a breath. He does not have a moment to rest and recover. His muscles need to be able to perform throughout the race without hitting the wall of exhaustion.

Team Sports Players

Team sports players must look long and hard at their sport and their position in that sport to determine whether carb loading would be beneficial to them. Certainly, the majority of sports do last 90 minutes or more. One question to ask is whether you are exercising continuously during that event or whether you have rest periods where you stand and wait for something to happen. Another thing to ask yourself is whether you keep your intensity high during the entire event. If your participation or intensity is low or sporadic, carb loading is probably not for you.


Athletes who do bodybuilding as a sport may want to carb load before a competition. However, they should do it in a very controlled way. Adding more carbs to the diet will fill out the muscles and make them appear larger. Yet, if too many carbohydrates are consumed, the muscles will lose some of their definition.

The best answer to whether or not to do carb loading is to examine your role in your sport and what you intend to accomplish. Only then can you make an informed decision.