One of the biggest sellers in the dietary supplement world has always been those aimed at aiding weight loss. When the first hit the market weight loss supplements consisted mostly of caffeine pills that made the users jittery and often were not very healthy. Today things are very much different with most of the top supplements for weight loss supplements focusing on healthy weight loss as opposed to speedy weight loss.

Ephedra used to be the first ingredient in a lot of the old school weight loss supplements, but since the United States Food and Drug Administration banned the use of Ephedra in 2004 supplement makers have had to look for other ways to help people lose weight.

One of the most popular supplements for weight loss is those that fall into the Thermogenic Fat Burner category. These types of dietary supplements work by raising the takers body temperature slightly. This is done in a few different ways. The first way that a Thermogenic Fat Burner can raise a person's body temperature is by increasing metabolism. Another way to increase the body temperature is to slightly increase the heart rate. And the final way is to literally heat the body with a hot bath or hot water bottles.

The basic idea behind these types of weight loss supplements is that if that the body tries to keep the body's temperature the same at all times. When the body temperature is raise the body will turn on systems to try and cool it back down. These cooling systems will cause the body to burn more calories. These types of fat burners still do contain caffeine like their old school cousins, but not normally not too much to cause an issue. It is advised that people who choose these type of supplements as a weight loss solution should not get caffeine from other sources.

Dieters who are looking for stimulant free Thermogenic weight loss supplements. These types of fat burners should be the on the top supplements for weight loss due to the fact that most of the makers use natural extracts to make them work. The stimulant free Thermogenic fat burner uses things like green tea extract and grapefruit extract to help speed up the metabolism. These types of fat burning supplements will keep the possibility of the jitters to a minimum.

Carb blockers are also very popular in the fat burning supplement category. These dietary supplements work by preventing an enzyme called alpha-amylase. This enzyme is found in salvia and is used to break down carbohydrates that will then be absorbed by the body. When the carb blocker is working it will prevent the alpha-amylase from being produced thus allowing the carb to remain intact and cause it to pass through the body without being absorbed. Chitosan is a very popular fat burner being used in many top weight loss supplements.

Chitosan is derived from the exoskeleton of crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp. It can also be derived from the cells walls of certain fungi. When used in a dietary supplement Chitosan works as a fat-binder. When people take Chitosan it will bind to fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K which in turn prevents them from being absorbed into the body. There is a wide range of supplements on the market that contain Chitosan in a dose that will act as a fat burner.

While there are other types of fat burning products on the market today these are the top supplements for weight loss. When looking for a product to help you on your weight loss journey it is best to look for dietary supplements like the ones listed above. Remember, your diet and workout plan is the most important element to a successful weight loss program.