Daily life no matter what you do for a living can cause your brain to feel overwhelmed with the overload of information being processed. Everywhere you look whether you know it or not your mind is taking in stimuli and processing information. As you drive your daily commute your mind is processing the morning radio, the traffic, the street signs, the billboards, etc, etc. If you don't take care of yourself by the end of the week your mind feels fried and not even Calgon can take you away. The best way to stop your brain from sizzling is to take dietary supplements that help keep your mind functioning at its peak.

Sixty percent of the human brain is made up of cells. In order to keep your cells working properly and communicating with each other you need the proper balance of essential fatty acids called Omega-3 and Omega-6. In order to get your brain working correctly experts are now recommending mind supplements that are rich in an essential fatty acid called Docosahexaenoic Acid or DHA.

Recent studies have found the DHA is imperative for the proper communication of the various cells in the brain and make ups a huge amount of the minds grey matter. The average American diet is seriously lacking in foods that contain high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. This fact has lead doctors to recommend that mind supplements rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Some doctors even claim that the only way to make your brain work better is to dose up on as much Omega-3 as possible.

Ginkgo Biloba is another great ingredient in quality supplements to help your brain function better. Ginkgo has been used by Chinese medical practitioners for centuries to help combat mental lapses. Recent studies by Western scientist suggest that dietary supplements that contain Ginkgo Biloba can help improve mental clarity. Other studies suggest that it can also offset damage to the brain caused by aging.

A lesser known herb that comes from India called Guto Kola can also be found in a lot of mind related dietary supplements. Guto Kola has been used across India for centuries and is said to help people boost their overall mental activity. Some people recommend Guto Kola in mind supplements to help people calm their nerves, relieve insomnia and help fight memory loss.

Phosphatidyl serine or PS is another additive that many dietary supplement makers include in their mind supplements. PS is a phospholipid that is found in small amounts within Lecithin and occurs in all cell membranes. It is highly concentrated in the cell membranes of the brain.

Memory supplements that contain Coenzyme Q10 or more commonly known as CoQ10 are popping up in health food and nutrition centers all across the world. CoQ10 is known for its energy boosting qualities as well as its heavy concentration of antioxidants. As people age they lose the ability to produce enough CoQ10. Without enough CoQ10 in the body the brain simply does not function at it's fullest. Taking a dietary supplement that contains 100-220 milligrams of CoQ10 will allow the mind to reach its fullest potential.

There are many other supplements that will help you improve brain power, but we feel that the ones listed above have the best overall effect with the least likelihood of serious side effects.