Supplements are excellent sources of nutrition for a bodybuilder’s diet. However, supplements are designed to add missing ingredients which your diet fails to provide. It is far better to maintain a regular, healthy diet that is rich in natural food sources and then add supplements as needed for increased bodybuilding affects.

The following 10 power foods and superfoods are naturally high in supplemental nutrients and will add a dietary punch to your strength training workout and fitness program.

Power Food #1 - Grapefruit

When you want to drop weight and sculpt your physique, grapefruit is a powerful go-to food. Studies have shown that those who consume half a grapefruit or a glass of its juice three times a day lost 4 pounds on average with many losing as much as 10 pounds. Grapefruit is full of pectin which slows carb absorption into the bloodstream and lowers insulin levels (therefore do not eat grapefruit right after a workout). Eating tip: Eat a whole grapefruit 2 or 3 times a day.

Power Food #2 – Spinach

Spinach aids muscle growth, proper GI function and boosts the immune system due to its high glutamine and octacosanol levels. Spinach also provides the body with zeaxanthin and lutein which are carotenoids that maintain eye health and fight free-radicals. It’s best to eat spinach raw and in large doses since approximately 90% of this leafy power food consists of water. However, don’t eat spinach directly before an exercise session as it will hinder digestion. Eating tip: Place a 10-ounce bag of spinach leaves into a bowl and add your favorite vegetables topped with vinegar and olive oil dressing.

Power Food #3 – Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain the antioxidants quercetin and lycopene. Quercetin protects coronary arteries from plaque buildup and also acts as an anti-inflammatory that sooths muscle pain. Lycopene fights both heart disease and prostate cancer. Lycopene is most active when consumed in the processed forms of paste, sauce and ketchup. Eating tip: It can take as many as 6 whole tomatoes to get a sufficient daily dose of lycopene (3 mg each). Therefore, enjoy tomato soup (25 mg) or tomato juice (22 mg) for greater effect.

Power Food #4 – Watermelon

For an even higher source of lycopene than tomatoes, you should dive into a slice of watermelon. However, don’t stop with the lycopene-rich red flesh. The white part of the rind contains high amounts of citrulline, an amino acid that converts arginine into nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide is responsible for increasing blood flow to those worked out muscles so they receive extra oxygen, nutrients and hormones that produce bulk. Eating tip: Consuming two 12-ounce slices an hour before workout (white rind included) will give you approximately 3 grams of citrulline and over 50 grams of energy carbs.

Power Food #5 – Garlic

Popping a raw garlic clove pre-workout is an excellent choice for boosting testosterone levels as well as hindering the production of cortisol. Garlic is full of beneficial sulfuric compounds such as allicin (more than 4 mg per clove), diallyl trisulfide, diallyl disulphide and others. Eating tip: chop up the garlic clove, place in a teaspoon, pop the chunks in your mouth and swallow with water.

Power Food #6 – Onions

Onions, like garlic, are full of the mentioned sulfuric compounds. However, onions also offer APDS (allyl propyl disulfide) which works to increase natural insulin levels. By eating an onion post-workout, you assist those worked muscles with absorption of the protein, creatine and carbs in that supplement shake. Eating tip: mix onions into an omelet with other power foods or chomp down a sweet Vidalia onion after your workout.

Power Food #7 – Blueberries

Blueberries aren’t only a super source of antioxidants needed to destroy free radicals, but they are delightfully delicious. The anthocyanin contained within these blue wonders protect blood vessels (especially capillaries) from weakening and it is these capillaries which supply your massive muscles with the oxygen, nutrients and hormones needed to grow. Eating tip: Add ˝ cup of blueberries to your post-workout protein shake.

Power Food #8 – Herring

Everyone serious about bodybuilding should consume herring. Herring is chocked full of natural creatine which increases muscle strength and volume by assisting with the deliverance of nutrients into muscle cells. Eating tip: Eat herring in any way and in any form (kippered, pickled, or smoked) to obtain this wonder food’s benefits.

Power Food #9 – Green Tea

For the bodybuilder, green tea assists with joint recovery, an essential component in weight lifting. However, the green liquid also maintains a healthy liver and prevents cancer and cardiovascular disease. Green tea is high in EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which is an antioxidant that works to boost metabolism. This element is also responsible for inhibiting cartilage destroying enzymes and blocking the digestion of fat. Eating tip: Enjoy 2-3 cups daily.

Power Food #10 – Yogurt

First and foremost, yogurt provides you with a good dose of milk protein. However, the live cultures contained within it also provide GI health and help nutrients to be better absorbed. Yogurt is also high in calcium, suppresses hormones that produce fat and aids the immune system. Be sure to only consume yogurts that contain live cultures and avoid those that have added sugar. Eating tip: Have for a snack anytime except pre or post-workout.