I posted a cycle on here a few months ago that after reading and doing more research on large doses I decidedto scale back. Previously I thought more would be better. You will see when I show the old one and post the new one for advice.

EQ 600 mg/week 1-10
Deca 600 mg/week 1-10
Test Prop 100 mg/day 1-10
Test Enth 1000 mg/week 1-10
Clomid therapy
Nolvadex throughout

EQ 400 mg/week 1-10
Deca 400 mg/week 1-10
Test Prop 100 mg/ed 1-10
Test Enth 600 mg week/ 1-10
Clomid Therapy
Novadex Throughout
Insulin 5ius/ed 4 on 3 off (working up to 10)

I decided to scale back after reading about sides and recovery problems. Plus, it would just be dumb to waste all that money when I could get the same results at smaller doses and excellent diet and traing program which I have set up after a lot of research and thought. So thanks to everyone at this board for steering me in the correct way.