YAHOO news

Everyone in Hollywood is still reeling from the chaotic events of Sunday night, when an envelope mix-up led Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway to mistakenly announce that La La Land was the year’s Best Picture — even though Moonlight was the actual winner. In the aftermath of that unprecedented gaffe, the Internet has been awash with photos of the A-list crowd looking stunned by the sudden turn of events. And at the edge of one of the more circulated shots is Dwayne Johnson, who has now taken to Instagram to give the lowdown on what was going through his head as the blunder unfolded.

In the Instagram post above, the Rock (who was attending on behalf of Disney’s animated hit Moana) reveals that his expression in the photo isn’t just one of surprise – it’s one of quickly mounting, ready-for-action anger, because he initially thought someone was trying to ruin the Oscars’ climax. As he wrote: “You can literally see my wheels spinnin’ on whether or not I should hit the stage and take down an Oscars producer who I thought went rogue and was trying to sabotage our final moment of the night as La La Land was accepting for Best Picture,” he wrote. “In crazy moments like that, we need leaders to step up and take charge… I give La La Land producer, Jordan Horowitz much respect for stepping up to the mic and calling the Moonlight filmmakers and actors to the stage to accept their award. Thankfully, Jordan gave us the clarity we needed, because as much as I love and adore Meryl, I was willing to rumble over her to take down the producer going rogue.

Thankfully, order prevailed and the Rock didn’t have to trample Meryl Streep to straighten out the situation — although honestly, if he had taken the stage, that might have turned the show into the greatest live-TV broadcast ever.

There’s always next year.