I started a 15 weeker with 40mg dbol weeks 1-5 and EQ 600mg 1-12 with Winny 50 ED 11-15.

On week 5 I started eating 20mg of nolva to combat itchy nipples becuase of the dbol (I assume).

Now (week 10) it seems stupid to continue to taking Nolva as there is no signs of gyno and I'm only using EQ and soon to be Winny.

I read that nolva can cause an estrogen rebound so I didn't know if I should tapper off or how and if I should come off.

Thanks for ur input.

Oh the reason I really wanted to come off is gains have become seemly stagnant in the last week or two and I thought since my cycle is pretty lite the Nolva was screwing things up.