Here is a page about how the FDA is saying OTC meds for kids could be dangerous yet they have no problems what so ever with kids being injected with mercury based vaccines. What a bunch of hypocritical jackasses! Yeah, OTC meds are more dangeruous that vaccines with mercury and formaldehide (sp?). How dumb do they think the American people are? Here's the bottom line....the OTC meds don't have to pay off the FDA so now the FDA is going to hurt their bottom line.

Let me tell you just how crooked these fukers are. Back when Monsanto was trying to get their growth hormone approved they had a guy (I can't remember his name) that was part of their legal team. He represented Mansanto in their approval of hormones and other stuff. Well, when it came time to get this introduced, he left his organization to join the FDA as an 'overseer'. This was approved by Bill Clinton. Once on with the FDA, he overseen the introduction of the growth hormome and of course, the FDA approved it. The FDA's finding was that IGF-1 in cows was not the same as IGF-1 in humans and that the elevated levels of IGF-1 in milk from these cows would have not any effect on humans. Well, interestingly enough, after the approval by the FDA, the man left the FDA and went back to work for Monsanto. This is all a fact. Here is more information about the hormones.

As you can see, the molecular structure of IGF-1 is the same in humans and cows, so by consuming this hormone induced milk we are putting people at risk. And they wonder why child diabetes is shooting out of control. couldn't possibly be from the high level of IGF-1 in the milk we give them no could it.

The FDA is the most crooked bunch of fukers in this country. I don't care what your views on Bush are, the FDA makes Bush look like a saint with the crap they do. They will lie their asses off for some drug companies if the price is right. Just look at that depression med that was finally pulled from the market because it could lead to suicide in some people. The same drug the FDA said would make you feel better actually made people more depressed, to the point of suicide. Way to go FDA!

Ok, I'm off my soap box.