I'm into my third week; used NaOH method to convert (RK). Final product is about 100mg/ml

How are your results? I was running 1ml of the syno conversion and 1ml Tren (100mg) ED - but for some reason I just didn't feel like I was on test...!

I just upped it to 1ml of the syno conversion in the morning, and then another ml plus the tren in the afternoon. Now I'm starting to feel it a little bit. That's like 1400mg of test per week supposedly - which is at least double any amount I ever used before.

So far I've got to say I'd rather be doing Enanthate or Cyp. 2xday sucks. It feels like its so short acting that its necessary for me to do 2x/day

Mail order gear is completely out of the question for me right now for legal reasons - so I'm really stuck doing the home brew syno/tren thing.

I'm into diet and cardio phase now - so my goals are to maintain mass gains and get lean.

It seems to take about 2-3 hours to kick in. Not noticing any signs of possible gyno at all.

I'm also horny as hell (test?) but it takes forever to cum (tren?)

What have all your results been?