I got the chance to workout with Sam Byrd this morning. If you don't who he is, google him. He is a freaking beast man!! He fixed some of my form issues an helped fix my confidence under the bar.

Two things that just immediately helped were shoes and grip on deadlift. I was wearing tennis shoes and it was making me get on my toes with my squats. Sam let me borrow his olympic shoes and WOW what a difference. It immediately made a difference in my form.

I was using double overhand grip on deads and I had trouble holding the weight. My first pull was 315 and I didn't get it half way up because I was losing my grip and set it down. Sam had me go to an over/under grip and MAN what a difference!!! It made the 315 feel light. So that is my new grip for sure.

I still have some form issues to work on but it was a great, eye opening day!

Oh yeah, about my PRs....get ready....
Squat went from 225 (deep paused) to 345 (regular) today with some left +120lbs
Deadlift went from 265 (deficit) to 385 (off the floor) today with some left +120lbs

How about that for blowing away some PRs??? It's amazing what correct form and awesome workout partners can do for you! I'll definitely be visiting again. He is moving away in about a month so I will have one more chance to workout with him.