What are some of the best training tips you've ever received or ones that stand out as most impactful?

I would have to say hitting traps is one of my favorite things to do in the gym and about a year or so into my lifting career I had a guy suggest I hit traps unilaterally with dumbbells. He suggested i hold the dumbbells at my sides, and also in front of me. I found the mind muscle connection and squeeze to be so sweet doing this! This tip has stayed with me now for over a decade and I'm so glad I got it.

Another I found beneficial was when I really started to get into benching. Bench was something I shied away from for the longest time because I couldn't put up big numbers. When I finally dedicated myself to benching after a wrist surgery I found form to be of paramount importance. A dude I asked to spot me once had some great tips on form: arch your back slightly, pinch your shoulder blades together, grip the hell outta the bar, and tighten the hell out of your back and glutes. The more I was able to "lock," my body into bench position the stronger I felt. Without these tips on form I don't know that I would've ever been able to put up the numbers I did. My personal record is 365, I know I'm not setting any records there but damn that is a lot of weight lol.

Squatting is another movement I neglected for a long time after having little success putting up big numbers in high school. I didn't necessarily get a tip from anyone on squat form, but it was watching Ronnie Coleman squat in The Cost of Redemption that showed me how I should be attacking this lift. That visual of watching him beast through the movement set the tone for squats for me moving forward.

As a knowledge junkie, I'd love to hear from the fg fam on this. What are your favorite tips?