Resistance training is an integral part of any workout routine. By definition, resistance training is any exercise that that causes the muscles to contract again a resistance. This resistance is external and, depending on the magnitude, will promote an increase in muscle tone, strength, mass, and endurance.

The muscle resistance can come in the form of dumbbells, resistance bands, rubber tubes used specifically for exercise, or even your own body weight. If you don’t have any such objects around the house, you may consider using bricks, bottles of water, or canned goods. The key is to create resistance. Just make sure the method you choose is safe so as to prevent injury from occurring.

There are plenty of resistance exercises from which to choose. When building your killer workout routine, you will first need to take stock of the resources currently available to you. These resources may be a local gym, exercise equipment you have in your home, or objects you are able to use in order to create resistance.

If you choose the gym, you will most likely have many different options right at your fingertips. These will include: weight machines, free weights, and exercises equipment such as resistance bands. One of the greatest advantages of going to the gym is the sheer number of options you have when working out. This allows you to vary your routine as you choose. This makes for a more flexible, and sometimes more interesting workout routine.

Another great advantage the gym provides is professional advice. Whether you actually choose to hire a trainer, or simply seek answers from professionals working there, you can easily learn new exercises and how to perform them correctly. This is important any time you are exercising. Performing exercises incorrectly can result in injury, which will most definitely slow down your fitness progress.
A trainer can also help you amp up your workouts as you go along. If you are going for the max, you will add more weight and reps over time. Your trainer will teach you each exercise and how to perform it correctly.

Exercising using equipment at home is another option. You may find this one more to your liking if you don’t wish to visit a gym or if it is just not possible. The equipment you purchase should reflect the specific exercises you plan to do. For example, you will buy dumbbells for a wide range of exercises, kettle bells for others, and resistance bands for yet more options.

When you first purchase your equipment, you’ll want to start out with lighter weights. As you go along, you’ll gradually increase to heavier ones and can purchase them as needed. Again, if you are uncertain about how to correctly perform any exercise, consult a gym professional who can show you the proper execution.

Using household goods to create resistance is another option you have where your resistance training is concerned. Canned goods and other common items make great weights. Larger cans, of course, will provide heavier weight. Be careful when using such items as they do not have hand-holds and may be easily dropped.

No matter which resistance exercises you choose always place safety first. Exercise-related injuries are common and should be taken very seriously. Preventing them is essential to your training success.