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hgh?? retain the muscle cells

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  • hgh?? retain the muscle cells

    Ok, hgh increases muscle cells, while test and other steroids increase the size of muscle cells not the number. So if I were to cycle some hgh for awhile and then come off. I would keep those muscle cells..??? then If i use other things those new muscle cells would increase in size with the other ones???
    Am i understanding that right?
    So I would retain the new muscle cells after quiting hgh.

  • #2


    • #3
      Can't believe nobody responded yet. I personally haven't used hgh yet, but I probably will eventually. I have friends that have taken it and I have done some research on it, you seem to have it right. It is still good to cycle AS while on it though, in order to get maximum gains I believe. Some people don't get good results from it and I believe it's because they aren't using enough. HGH is not something you just do for a couple of weeks, if you can't afford to do it for a longer duration, like a few months or longer than it isn't worth doing. At least that's how I understand it and why I am holding off for a while.


      • #4
        I believe your theory is correct. If in fact you do grow new muscle fibres while on GH you will not loose them. When your in a growth spurt as a child and it goes away do you shrink? That's my logic anyway.


        • #5
          sounds good bros, thanx


          • #6
            I have used Gh for years and will be using IGF-1 R3 next I hear it is much safer and more potent than GH and works kind of the same way! I am a big GH fan though!


            • #7
              that sounds about right


              • #8
                I concur
                I might also add

                #1 TEST IS A MUST WHILE ON GH
                #2TAKE HEAVY ANDROGENS WHILE ON GH.....EX HALO this
                magnifies the benefits.


                • #9
                  All I can say is that I used Gh and for years and my friend... well one of them hasnt and I have been out of the gym for over 8 months and so was he and I am gaining muscle back much faster than him as well as I kept it more than him also so I do think it promotes good muscle growth!

                  You should checkout IGF-1 r3 it is supposed to be better than growth and I have a sticky at the top of the page about it and it is cheaper than GH so you cant beat that!

