whats up boyz.... m cypinate deca cycle goes for about 14 weeks.. i am on week 5 now and up 7 pounds, my question is when to start the winstrol... i was gonan start it aroudn week 12 of my cycle so when im off teh test and deca teh winy will hold my weight and continue to gain muscle while running alot. but i am told by my friend that competes that i shoudl wait atleast 2 weeks after my deca and test cycle to let my receptors get a lil cleaned out before addign more junk but he also seems to think taking clomid after my test deca cycle is a waste of time when i can just go to the GNC and get sme tribulus and 1AD to boost my own natural test up untill im ready to get on the winstrol... im so confused and dont know what to do