My 17 year old daughter started suffering anxiety and depression issues this fall that have become very debilitating for her. She is a good student A's with some B's and loves to play soccer...lettered every year of hs thus far. Her work ethic is hard for grades that don't come easy, works hard at maintaining high fitness level. She is very mature, mentally and very responsible for being 17. The issues are debilitating.....grades still good but withdrawn socially and has dropped every other aspect of enjoyment in her life.

She is in a dark place we can't seem to pull her out of and swings from being happy to completely "locked up with anxiety" unpredictably. We are working with our family doctor and found a good counselor she works well with. The counselor spoke with my wife after my daughters session on Wednesday because of great concern she is contemplating suicide......the 3 of them talked for quite a while and have agreement on how my daughter can ask for help....fortunately she talks very openly with my wife and they have a good relationship.

I am tipped over and scared to death at this steps are further testing with doctor and more/different meds, I will be at next counseling sessions, we are likely going to have my wife take FMLA so she can be focused on my daughter and/or around home constantly.

What am I missing?

What other resources or steps should we consider?

I need to start learning lots on how to deal with this....recommended reading please??

A heavy subject I know....looking for thoughts and ideas.

Talking to two trusted friends who dealt with very similar issues is giving me some insights, ideas and options.

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