
finished up a 6month cycle of test/deca-deca only first 10 weeks.cycle before that was 8 months with a 8 week pct/break.

week 1-24 test cypionate 800mg week
week 1-10 deca 400mg week
week 1-4 d.bol 50mg ed

12 days after last test cyp shot started nlova pct

week 1-2 60mg nolva
week 3-4 40mg nolva
week 5 20mg nolva

currently i am 1 week after pct complete

well results:
total test - 2,6nmoles/litre normal 7-28
free test 16,5nmoles/litre normal 32-136
liver- alt- slightly elevated
liver - hdl- double normal

ok so i am just a bit unhappy about that, liver can be explained because i have had 4 weeks of intence partying(only alcohol and a bit of weed)and the test was done 2 days after last party.that was telephonically so must go in and get full report.

any ideas on how to get my levels back to normal, i wanted to start my next course in the next month or so, but seems like i ma going to have to delay.
