Liver function is an important test to watch when using AAS.

Over the years I have noticed much focus on AST and ALT levels. While those are 2 very important numbers, to watch, they are not the only ones. Those numbers can actually appear normal, and damage can still be happening.

A few years ago, when Fuzo was very sick, I learned a whole lot at that time about things. In my reading, I learned that AAS can elevate albumin levels.

With docs, tests, no answers and a trip scheduled to Mayo, I continued to read and read and ask ask. I noticed his albumin level at the bottom of normal, and compared with his past levels. They had been declining, and after reading about AAS elevating this level, I realized that was really a false number and the albumin was below normal and slightly getting lower. I talked to a doc in the who used to come on here, and she said that is a concern cause the AAS seemed to be masking a true reading.

I brought it up to his doc who actually learned more from us I think, lol, about AAS then he ever knew. Miraculously he started to get better, and we never had to go to Mayo. Levels finally were normal in all areas.

Point here is, when you are watching your liver values, pay attention to albumin and globulin as well. AST and ALT are not the only indicators of liver damage and they can appear normal with damage still being done. If you are not getting regular bw done when cycling, you may be playing a dangerous game.

Another good measure of kidney function, besides the usual, is your GFR.

One thing I learned to do, after working in healthcare, is to get copies of all bw and scans we ever get. Based on past things with my health, and some family members, I just don't trust a doc when they say "everything is normal". Have to see it for myself, and then the questions start rolling out if need be.

You have to be your own advocate, and stay informed.

That's my