Tuesday, March 31, is fast approaching — it IS a tremendously important day.

On that day, conservative Republicans have a chance to prove to the NATIONAL liberal establishment that the radical left-wing policies of the Obama administration can be stopped.

On March 31 we can show that the real Republican Party — the party of Ronald Reagan — is on the comeback trail and can retake Congress in 2010 and maybe even the White House in 2012.

But the critically important message of March 31 can be a 911 wake-up call to wavering Democrats and liberal Republicans that the average American does not back President Obama’s socialist plans for wild federal spending and higher taxes.

That America opposes trillions in bailouts.

That America opposes a new global currency and the end of the U.S. dollar — an idea Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says is a real possibility.

That America supports a strong national defense, a strong missile defense, and a tough policy on terrorists.

How can all this happen in a few short days?

Tuesday is the date of the historic special election in New York’s Congressional District which is composed of several counties in the Albany, N.Y., suburbs.

It’s a huge district and stretches all the way from the tip of New York’s mid-Hudson Valley almost all the way to Canada. This District was held by a Democrat, Kirsten Gillibrand, who was recently appointed to take Hillary Clinton’s seat in the U.S. Senate.

Now, a special election will fill this seat.

We urgently need your help to win this seat — Go Here Now.

The Democrats have a lot at stake in this special race. If the very liberal Democrat Scott Murphy loses, it will be a terrible blow to President Obama, who carried the district in the presidential race; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; and the radical left all across the nation. It will indicate that a swing congressional district in New York just voted against Obama and Pelosi’s candidate — and the national media will be forced to admit that it is a repudiation of the Obama socialist agenda!

Republicans have a good chance to win. Our candidate, New York’s Republican Assembly Leader Jim Tedisco, is a solid conservative who has served for years in the district. He is pro-American, pro-lower taxes, pro-free enterprise, and pro-strong defense.

People in the district know him, trust him, and like him.

For example, Tedisco led the grass-roots opposition to Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s outrageous plan to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants causing such a ground swell that Spitzer was forced to abandon the plan.

Tedisco has a 20-year record in the Assembly as a tax fighter who has warned repeatedly about the state’s ballooning debt.

Meanwhile, the state Democratic bosses have selected carpet-bagger Murphy, a businessman and big fundraiser for Obama, as their candidate.

Murphy has lived in Missouri until recently but does have some negligible ties to this mostly rural New York district.

Probably the most attractive aspect of Murphy’s candidacy for the Democratic chiefs was his willingness to put some of his personal millions into his campaign to try to buy the congressional seat on March 31!

But make no mistake about it: Murphy is a radical. Recently, he said in a radio interview that the 911 hijackers should NOT be subject to the death penalty!

We can stop Murphy, time is short — Go Here Now.

Despite his radical record, Murphy and the Democrats are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of New York voters. They plan on doing this by spending tons of money on TV and radio ads.

In fact, Democrat challenger Murphy has outraised Republican Tedisco by over $600,000 with help from President Obama, House Speaker Pelosi, and even Vice President Joe Biden.

On March 19 the Federal Election Commission reported that Murphy had raised nearly $1.5 million while Tedisco has raised closer to $1.1 million. The Murphy campaign claims it will spend whatever it takes to buy the seat.

We don’t know what Tedisco can raise and spend before the March 31 election.

But with Obama and Pelosi twisting the arms of big New York and national liberal fat-cats, Murphy’s claim that he will raise $600,000 more must be taken seriously. Even Gov. David Paterson is reportedly making fundraising calls on Murphy’s behalf.

This is where you and I and The National Republican Trust must step in.

Pelosi’s Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to win this seat so that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress do not experience a shocking political defeat on March 31. Pelosi’s committee, the DCCC, has parachuted a team of the top left-wing political organizers and operatives from Washington into the district. The DCCC recently released a poll that showed Tedisco leading Murphy . . . but only by 4 points.

We at The National Republican Trust have a plan for the crucial remaining days to help Jim Tedisco win this election.

We want to beat back this power grab by the left-wing cabal which includes the Obama White House, Speaker Pelosi and her DCCC, and the unions — who have all endorsed Murphy and will pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into the district.

That doesn’t even include the radical-left Working Families Party (WFP) which has endorsed Murphy and is nothing more than a front for ACORN, the left-wing voter fraud experts.

Given ACORN’s record of voter fraud, serial voting, and other illegal Election Day tactics, Republicans must be vigilant to guarantee that this special election is honest and fair.

The National Republican Trust needs your help to ensure that voters are educated about the stark choice they face between reliable and proven conservative Jim Tedisco and fast-talking, left-wing Democratic fat-cat Scott Murphy.

Please send us your urgent help — Go Here Now.

Our plan ensures that every Republican and conservative voter household is contacted at to ensure voter turnout for Tedisco — IF you help us make those phone calls.

The third phase of our plan is to identify those conservative Democrats and unaffiliated voters who support Tedisco over Murphy and then also ensure that they get to the polls on March 31 to vote.

We have already committed more than $500,000 of our PAC funds into this race — because we believe Jim Tedisco can win and because we believe this race is crucial for the future of our country.

We have blanketed the broadcast and cable TV systems with TV ads exposing Murphy for the radical he is.

We are launching an aggressive get out the vote effort.

It is becoming very clear that millionaire businessman Murphy will outspend Republican standard-bearer Tedisco by at least $750,000!

Unless The National Republican Trust launches this vital effort, the New York Democratic political machine and the Obama juggernaut will buy this seat and claim that the election of Murphy is a reaffirmation of public support for Barack Obama’s spending and tax policies.

We can’t let that happen.

That is why I am asking you to go to The National Republican Trust Web site and make a last-minute emergency donation to help stop Obama in this special election.

The hour is late. We have very little time.

Polls show this race can go either way. Every vote will count. Every dollar you donate will matter.

Democratic political operatives and union organizers are swarming into this district to mount a massive effort to bolster President Obama and embarrass the GOP.

We need to embarrass Obama.

You and I, working together, can stop them.

Please make your support count — Donate Here Now.


Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

P.S. It was just announced that Vice President Joe Biden himself is doing radio ads for Scott Murphy. The Obama White House knows the stakes are enormous. They are deeply worried about our efforts — that’s why they are rolling out big guns like the vice president. But you can counteract their effort by helping us. We can still place last-minute TV ads to get our message out. Please help us today