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    Thread: If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?

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      Squirrel Masta's Avatar
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      Cool If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?

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      • If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?
      • If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?

      • If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?
      • If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?
      • If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?
      • If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?
      • If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?
      • If Your Not Making Over 200k Y. R. U. Voting 4 Bush?
      That is something I don’t understand? Kerry doesn’t support takes for everyone, he will however raise the taxes for the top 1% making millions. There have actually been people such as developers, stating that all the tax cuts that Bush has incorporated had heavily favored them!

      Only exception if your voting for Bush is if you have a one track red neck mind that believes in war, and a new age dictator. And all you bizzatches voting for Nader cut the shit out! If Bush wasn’t in office a vote for Nader would be good to show how we demand change, but the stakes are to high come November.

      I wont even bring up the entire shenanigans this office has been caught up in. Enron, WMD, Haliburt, Osama Bin Forgotten, and the list goes on fools, we need to kick this m0f0 out of office. I have to many friends out in Iraq right now and I want to see all of them come back safe and sound with their family.

      If his two sluts for daughters are sent to Iraq I will be right along them.

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      Hell Yeah, Let's elect Kerry...He's just what we need. A big ole puss. He was in Vietnam....for a month on active duty and injured 4 times...great leader he is for sure, He's even got a *****'s name LOL
      "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...Courage and Strength to change the things I can...And Wisdom to know the difference."

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      Atleast Kerry had the balls to go to Vietnam. I think you need more information on Kerry's Vietnams duty. Kerrysaw a lot in Nam and although he graduated from Yale like Bush he didint dodge it like other pussies in office


      One of the most horrific moments of Kerry's tour in Vietnam occurred one day toward the end of winter, when the second Swift boat he commanded, PCF-94, and another Swift were patrolling the Cua Lon River in the southwestern delta region. The night was pitch-black, neither Swift's search or boarding lights were working properly, and both boats kept getting stuck on the bottom of a shallow channel. "Many minutes of silent patrolling had gone by when one of the men yelled sampan off the port bow," Kerry wrote in his war notes.

      Everybody froze and we slowed the engines quickly. But the sampan was already by us and wasn't stopping. It was past curfew and nothing was allowed on the river. I told the after gunner to fire a few warning shots and in the confusion all the guns opened up. We moved in on the sampan and taking one of the battle lanterns off the bulkhead shone it on the silhouette of the craft that was now dead in the water.

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      You want to read Kerry's tour duty: He was fearless like a true President should be!!!


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      Bush used his dad to get him into the national guard 12 days before his student defferment expired, so as to avoid vietnam. And even though he scored a 25(lowest score allowed) on his pilots exam, and even though there was a year long waiting list, he was immediately sworn in as a pilot in the National Guard. After that he applied to be transferred to an Alabama unit, that was basically just post office duties and was excepted by the alabama unit, but his own unit disallowed the transfer thus making him responsible to continue serving in Texas. However, he left texas anyway's and began working on a Senator's campaign team. This is just one of the incidents regarding Bush going AWOl, anyone else doing that would be courtmarshalled, but not Bush of course. So i dont think anyone even has a right to compare Bush to Kerry in terms of military service.


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      Another interesting fact when Bush running for President many of the Senators wanted an explanation from him regarding his missing time that he was supposed to be serving during. He refused to account for this. Also at this same time, the story about Bush being arrested for drunk driving was released, and effectively swept the whole military issue under the rug. Gore never pressed the issue further because he too had a Dad who helped him get an easy job in vietnam, and Bush and Gore had a unspoken agreement that they werent going to bring up eachother's military service.

    7. #7
      localboyz's Avatar
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      just a quote. if you think only bush is shady, then you dont know, cause they're all shady, and that includes kerry and any other democrat. its politics.

      > Thank you, John Kerry, for helping make us Vietnam veterans war heroes
      > now,
      > but you also were the primary reason that the American public grabbed
      > sturdy
      > unbending brooms of judgment and swept us into the closet of silence and
      > shame for so many years. Now, with your latest unreported insanity, you
      > are
      > getting ready for our society to grab those same stiff brooms and sweep
      > our
      > brave, noble young men and women fighting against the War on Terror in
      > Iraq,
      > Afghanistan, and elsewhere, into that cold, dark cell of heartbreak and
      > betrayal, like we Vietnam veterans had to endure in silent dignity. I
      > cannot
      > and will not watch this country go through that again.
      > The hardcore America-hating, Israel-hating, jihad-spouting Muslim clerics
      > in
      > the mideast are very excited and passing around a front page newspaper
      > story
      > from the very anti-American TEHRAN TIMES in Iran. In the country that is
      > home of the world's toughest theocratic dictatorship, an e-mail from
      > Democratic Presidential nominee, you, John Forbes Kerry, sent to the paper
      > by your campaign committee, although they deny sending it, was printed
      > word-for-word on the front page of Iran's main newspaper. Your message
      > states emphatically that, if elected President, you, John Kerry plan to,
      > within 100 days, not only end the War on Terror, but travel to the mideast
      > and elsewhere and apologize for our actions and the actions of President
      > Bush in the War on Terror. It says that you plan to apologize to friends
      > and
      > foes alike. That is right, folks. John Kerry will say he is sorry, and in
      > his mind, all those jihad extremists, who have vowed to kill all Americans
      > wherever we are, will simply forgive us, hold hands with Kerry, start
      > singing "Kumbaya," and all will be right in the world. This is insane!
      > Senior writer Kenneth R. Timmerman in the March 1st edition of INSIGHT,
      > tells about the massive campaign contributions to the Kerry-for-President
      > campaign by three Iranian businessmen living in the US, who are lobbying
      > for
      > the US lifting of sanctions on Iran and accepting the anti-Christian,
      > anti-Jewish, anti-American Tehran regime and the close ties of one to the
      > chairman of Mobil Oil.
      > Pro-democracy dissidents in Iran are shocked and appalled at your remarks,
      > and have reported that in Iran and other Mideastern countries, that all
      > the
      > extremists and anti-west mullahs who strongly supported the attacks on the
      > World Trade Center, Pentagon, USS Cole, Marine Barracks, and anyplace
      > Americans congregate, want you to become our President, but they are
      > scared
      > to death of George W. Bush. Just think, The Democratic candidate for
      > President, you, John Forbes Kerry, is endorsed by the Al Q'Aida,
      > Hezbollah,
      > PLF, and Hamas.
      > But on February 27, 2004, in a speech at UCLA , you, while trying to talk
      > tough, despite voting against all major weapons systems for the past 18
      > years, stated that you will continue the War on Terror, but would use our
      > police forces, and especially those in foreign countries, and you would
      > also
      > put our troops back under the powder blue flag of the United Nations. You
      > recently made comments about Bush making troops fight without Kevlar
      > vests,
      > but you, Senator Kerry, voted against buying them while you were in the
      > Senate.
      > Like the Kama Sutra, Senator, you change positions constantly.
      > You're not going to end the War on Terror, but instead use police to
      > handcuff terrorists and read them their rights; then a week later, you are
      > going to end the War on Terrorism and apologize to everyone we have
      > offended, such as Iran. What is it going be next week, Kerry? You
      > flip-flop
      > more than a beached tuna on steroids.
      > You convinced TV reporters Chris Wallace on Fox and NBC's Tim Russert that
      > a
      > photograph circulating the web and news showing you a few rows away from
      > Jane Fonda at a September, 1970 Anti-War Rally at Valley Forge, was simply
      > a
      > coincidence and that you and Hanoi Jane barely knew each other. But, in
      > fact, Senator, there were only 8 speakers that day, including Fonda,
      > Donald
      > Southerland, and Bella Abzug, and Hanoi Jane funded that rally, and the
      > keynote speaker was you, John Forbes Kerry, executive committee member of
      > Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
      > We must be Americans first, and think about our political parties after
      > that. Sometimes we lose sight of that. I have six grown children and two
      > are
      > democrats. I voted for Jimmy Carter. This is not about politics. It is
      > about
      > standing up to the ultimate playground bully, and not simply cowering and
      > kissing his shoes.
      > I left it "all on the field" in the jungles back there when I was
      > medevaced
      > out of Vietnam in March of 1969 and sent back to hospitals in "The World."
      > Although You, Mr. Kerry, painted all of us Vietnam veterans with the
      > yellow
      > brush of My Lai and Tiger Force, most of us, draftees and lifers alike,
      > actually poured our hearts out in the tropical rain forests and in the
      > rice
      > paddies, thoroughly gave it our all, and acted as warriors who had honor.
      > I
      > have a son earning his green beret at Fort Bragg right now and a
      > daughter-in-law on orders for Iraq. I am not going to stand by and watch
      > them go through the same treatment we did, because some of our
      > well-meaning
      > fellow Americans choose to wear blinders and believe things just because
      > they heard it on the network news or simply not care enough to get
      > involved.
      > I am not a "baby-killer, torturer, or murderer," John Kerry. I am a
      > Vietnam
      > veteran and an American who will not soon forget, or ever want to see
      > again,
      > any more jets loaded with fuel and screaming, innocent Americans slamming
      > into our buildings on our very own soil. I have shed enough tears for ten
      > lifetimes. We all have. I will never again let my fellow countrymen get
      > away
      > with making American veterans feel like bastard step-children.
      > Santayana said, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to
      > repeat
      > it."
      > John Kerry, I now call on my "Band of Brothers," those who have heard the
      > sound of guns and cries of orphaned children, those who hate war more than
      > anyone who has not been there, to join me in this difficult battle ahead.
      > Republicans, democrats, independents, and the apolitical, I call on the
      > 25,000,000 veterans of this country to help me confront this evil facing
      > our
      > great nation, not with guns and bombs, but with our voices, our votes, our
      > computers, and with all our fighting spirit.
      > My fellow veterans, your families, survivors, and neighbors: God bless you
      > and God bless America.
      > You want proof of all I have to say. Here are the references:
      > Want more proof? Read the very exposing February 27, 2004 article, on page
      > 8, of the NY Sun by Thomas Lipscomb, founder of Time Books and publisher
      > of
      > Admiral Elmo Zumwalt's best-selling book. "ON WATCH ". Also read what the
      > man who pinned the Silver Star on John Kerry had to say about him. The
      > article is entitled "Setting Straight Kerry's War Record "

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      The Real Military Record of George W. Bush: Not Heroic, but Not AWOL, Either (George Mag Archive)
      George Magazine ^ | October 10, 2000 | By Peter Keating and Karthik Thyagarajan

      Posted on 02/03/2004 6:58:09 PM PST by TheEaglehasLanded

      The Real Military Record of George W. Bush: Not Heroic, but Not AWOL, Either By Peter Keating and Karthik Thyagarajan

      AUTHORS RESPONSE This piece has generated intense reaction from readers, including many postings to the Georgemag.com forum. The authors have responded with a detailed explanation of the evidence for the original story. Read the response now NEW: Peter Keating offers further response

      For more than a year, controversy about George W. Bush's Air National Guard record has bubbled through the press. Interest in the topic has spiked in recent days, as at least two websites have launched stories essentially calling Bush AWOL in 1972 and 1973. For example, in "Finally, the Truth about Bush's Military Record" on TomPaine.com, Marty Heldt writes, "Bush's long absence from the records comes to an end one week after he failed to comply with an order to attend 'Annual Active Duty Training' starting at the end of May 1973... Nothing indicates in the records that he ever made up the time he missed." And in Bush's Military Record Reveals Grounding and Absence for Two Full Years" on Democrats.com, Robert A. Rogers states: "Bush never actually reported in person for the last two years of his service - in direct violation of two separate written orders."

      Neither is correct.

      It's time to set the record straight. The following analysis, which relies on National Guard documents, extensive interviews with military officials and previously unpublished evidence of Bush's whereabouts in the summer and fall of 1972, is the first full chronology of Bush's military record. Its basic conclusions: Bush may have received favorable treatment to get into the Guard, served irregularly after the spring of 1972 and got an expedited discharge, but he did accumulate the days of service required of him for his ultimate honorable discharge.


      At the Republican convention in Philadelphia, George W. Bush declared: "Our military is low on parts, pay and morale. If called on by the commander-in-chief today, two entire divisions of the Army would have to report, 'Not ready for duty, sir.'" Bush says he is the candidate who can "rebuild our military and prepare our armed forces for the future." On what direct military experience does he make such claims?

      George W. Bush applied to join the Texas Air National Guard on May 27, 1968, less than two weeks before he graduated from Yale University. The country was at war in Vietnam, and at that time, just months after the bloody Tet Offensive, an estimated 100,000 Americans were on waiting lists to join Guard units across the country. Bush was sworn in on the day he applied.

      Ben Barnes, former speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, stated in September 1999 that in late 1967 or early 1968, he asked a senior official in the Texas Air National Guard to help Bush get into the Guard as a pilot. Barnes said he did so at the behest of Sidney Adger, a Houston businessman and friend of former President George H. W. Bush, then a Texas congressman. Despite Barnes's admission, former President Bush has denied pulling strings for his son, and retired Colonel Walter Staudt, George W. Bush's first commander, insists: "There was no special treatment."

      The younger Bush fulfilled two years of active duty and completed pilot training in June 1970. During that time and in the two years that followed, Bush flew the F-102, an interceptor jet equipped with heat-seeking missiles that could shoot down enemy planes. His commanding officers and peers regarded Bush as a competent pilot and enthusiastic Guard member. In March 1970, the Texas Air National Guard issued a press release trumpeting his performance: "Lt. Bush recently became the first Houston pilot to be trained by the 147th [Fighter Group] and to solo in the F-102... Lt. Bush said his father was just as excited and enthusiastic about his solo flight as he was." In Bush's evaluation for the period May 1, 1971 through April 30, 1972, then-Colonel Bobby Hodges, his commanding officer, stated, "I have personally observed his participation, and without exception, his performance has been noteworthy." In the spring of 1972, however, National Guard records show a sudden dropoff in Bush's military activity. Though trained as a pilot at considerable government expense, Bush stopped flying in April 1972 and never flew for the Guard again.

      Around that time, Bush decided to go to work for Winton "Red" Blount, a Republican running for the U.S. Senate, in Alabama. Documents from Ellington Air Force Base in Houston state that Bush "cleared this base on 15 May." Shortly afterward, he applied for assignment to the 9921st Air Reserve Squadron in Montgomery, Ala., a unit that required minimal duty and offered no pay. Although that unit's commander was willing to welcome him, on May 31 higher-ups at the Air Reserve Personnel Center in Denver rejected Bush's request to serve at the 9921st, because it did not offer duty equivalent to his service in Texas. "[A]n obligated Reservist [in this case, Bush] can be assigned to a specific Ready Reserve position only," noted the disapproval memo, a copy of which was sent to Bush. "Therefore, he is ineligible for assignment to an Air Reserve Squadron."

      Despite the military's decision, Bush moved to Alabama. Records obtained by Georegemag.com show that the Blount Senate campaign paid Bush about $900 a month from mid-May through mid-November to do advance work and organize events. Neither Bush's annual evaluation nor the Air National Guard's overall chronological listing of his service contain any evidence that he performed Guard duties during that summer.

      On or around his 27th birthday, July 6, 1972, Bush did not take his required annual medical exam at his Texas unit. As a consequence, he was suspended from flying military jets. Bush spokesperson Dan Bartlett told Georgemag.com: "You take that exam because you are flying, and he was not flying. The paperwork uses the phrase 'suspended from flying,' but he had no intention of flying at that time."

      Some media reports have speculated that Bush took and failed his physical, or that he was grounded as a result of substance abuse. Bush's vagueness on the subject of his past drug use has only abetted such rumors. Bush's commanding officer in Texas, however, denies the charges. "His flying status was suspended because he didn't take the exam,not because he couldn't pass," says Hodges. Asked whether Bush was ever disciplined for using alcohol or illicit drugs, Hodges replied: "No."

      On September 5, Bush wrote to then-Colonel Jerry Killian at his original unit in Texas, requesting permission to serve with the 187th Tactical Reconnaisance Group, another Alabama-based unit. "This duty would be for the months of September, October, and November," wrote Bush.

      This time his request was approved: 10 days later, the Alabama Guard ordered Bush to report to then-Lieutenant Colonel William Turnipseed at Dannelly Air Force Base in Montgomery on October 7th and 8th. The memo noted that "Lieutenant Bush will not be able to satisfy his flight requirements with our group," since the 187th did not fly F-102s.

      The question of whether Bush ever actually served in Alabama has become an issue in the 2000 campaign-the Air Force Times recently reported that "the GOP is trying to locate people who served with Bush in late 1972 ... to see if they can confirm that Bush briefly served with the Alabama Air National Guard." Bush's records contain no evidence that he reported to Dannelly in October. And in telephone interviews with Georgemag.com, neither Turnipseed, Bush's commanding officer, nor Kenneth Lott, then chief personnel officer of the 187th, remembered Bush serving with their unit. "I don't think he showed up," Turnipseed said.

      Bush maintains he did serve in Alabama. "Governor Bush specifically remembers pulling duty in Montgomery and respectfully disagrees with the Colonel," says Bartlett. "There's no question it wasn't memorable, because he wasn't flying." In July, the Decatur Daily reported that two former Blount campaign workers recall Bush serving in the Alabama Air National Guard in the fall of 1972. "I remember he actually came back to Alabama for about a week to 10 days several weeks after the campaign was over to complete his Guard duty in the state," stated Emily Martin, a former Alabama resident who said she dated Bush during the time he spent in that state.

      After the 1972 election, which Blount lost, Bush moved back to Houston and subsequently began working at P.U.L.L., a community service center for disadvantaged youths. This period of time has also become a matter of controversy, because even though Bush's original unit had been placed on alert duty in October 1972, his superiors in Texas lost track of his whereabouts. On May 2, 1973, Bush's squadron leader in the 147th, Lieutenant Colonel William Harris, Jr. wrote: "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit" for the past year. Harris incorrectly assumed that Bush had been reporting for duty in Alabama all along. He wrote that Bush "has been performing equivalent training in a non-flying status with the 187 Tac Recon Gp, Dannelly ANG Base, Alabama." Base commander Hodges says of Bush's return to Texas: "All I remember is someone saying he came back and made up his days."

      Two documents obtained by Georgemag.com indicate that Bush did make up the time he missed during the summer and autumn of 1972. One is an April 23, 1973 order for Bush to report to annual active duty training the following month; the other is an Air National Guard statement of days served by Bush that is torn and undated but contains entries that correspond to the first. Taken together, they appear to establish that Bush reported for duty on nine occasions between November 29, 1972-when he could have been in Alabama-and May 24, 1973. Bush still wasn't flying, but over this span, he did earn nine points of National Guard service from days of active duty and 32 from inactive duty. When added to the 15 so-called "gratuitous" points that every member of the Guard got per year, Bush accumulated 56 points, more than the 50 that he needed by the end of May 1973 to maintain his standing as a Guardsman.

      On May 1, Bush was ordered to report for further active duty training, and documents show that he proceeded to cram in another 10 sessions over the next two months. Ultimately, he racked up 19 active duty points of service and 16 inactive duty points by July 30-which, added to his 15 gratuitous points, achieved the requisite total of 50 for the year ending in May 1974.

      On October 1, 1973, First Lieutenant George W. Bush received an early honorable discharge so that he could attend Harvard Business School. He was credited with five years, four months and five days of service toward his six-year service obligation.
      TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
      three doodoo is back! Hide your women!

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      ll of the information--which is WAY outdated--in this George article is old news, and there is much new information to discount it. Whether or not this article in George Magazine is generating a lot of interest is irrelevant. It's OLD NEWS.

      The fact remains. George W. Bush was AWOL at the moment he didn't show up to take his flight physical.

      That is a definitive fact. There is no denying it or getting around it. The only question is: Why didn't the Guard convene a Flight Evaluation Board--which is required by law to occur whenever a pilot refuses to follow a military direct order to take a flight physical? And, if an FEB was held, where are the records of it?

      Being scheduled for a flight physical is an ORDER to show. There is no arguing that you just couldn't show up because your physician was in Houston and you were in Alabama. That is simply the most ludicrous and clearly false statement Bush could make. ANYONE who is a pilot in the military KNOWS it's a lie. And, believe me--there are a thousand military pilots snickering about Bush's complete lie about not showing up for his flight physical. They know what I know--and what Ron clearly doesn't know--that in not showing up for his flight physical, BUSH WAS AWOL.

      under Article 86: "Absence Without Leave"

      "Any member of the armed forces who, without authority--

      (1) fails to go to his appointed place of duty at the time prescribed;
      (2) goes from that place; or
      (3) absents himself or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty at which he is required to be at the time prescribed;

      shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."
      three doodoo is back! Hide your women!

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      three doodoo is back! Hide your women!

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      3vandoo, thats a good post. But I think he deserves his next 4 years becasue that was what his plan was needed in the first place so I think he should get it to see if he can achive it! IMO we gave him four years, we might as well give him the next four so he can finish the job!!!

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      good point squirrel master..and i like your screen name that is funny This is why I don't vote.

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      the top 1% are already taxed waaaaaaaaaayyyy more than you or I. Where do you think the money for new buisnesses and technology come from. You can only tax one segment of the economy so much before you damage the whole. Just because someone has more money than you does not mean they are your piggy bank.

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      you have to look at the percentages though the top 1% may be paying more, it is still a lesser percent of their income as compared to the middle class who pay a much higher percent of their income.

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      Originally posted by i3eeker
      you have to look at the percentages though the top 1% may be paying more, it is still a lesser percent of their income as compared to the middle class who pay a much higher percent of their income.
      not even close. The highest income tax is in the over 40%. The rich pay a hell of a lot more in taxes.

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