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    Thread: Long time member looking to start again

    1. #1
      Jason15215's Avatar
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      Well I am 32 6 foot 265lbs (got myself a gut the past couple years). What I am looking for is a decent supplement or whatever to gain muscle and lose some fat. Im gonna be dieting and doing alot of cardio too. I basically will have to get everything off of the internet, so "gear" isnt an option. Im an RN so Im not a complete retard to the human body. I've just been out of the game so long Im kinda lost on all the new products that are out there.

      Thanks for any help!!
      Bench 425
      BF% To damn high
      6 foot

    2. #2
      Harry Tasker's Avatar
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      Default Re: Long time member looking to start again

      425 bench huh. thats a good start.
      1. get some creatine micronized (PURE)
      2. if u want to get muscle and burn fat quickly ur gonna need some inject anabolics otherwise ur gonna have to do it naturally which is probably how u should be doing since ur just getting back into as u said.

      I have heard some good stuff about venom 3.0 and i have amazing results with the a product called ergomax lmg, it's legal but they pulled it from the shelves, I think LMG has a new porduct out that similiar do sum research. be warned u as a RN kno that those pills tear ur liver up. try 2 stick with the injectables amigo. Good luck and remember never give up.
      Yours In Sport,

      Harry Tasker

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Long time member looking to start again

      i did it with training, eating 5-6 meals a day (high protien and 2-3 of those "meals" were mrp's) and i did NOT do cardio. i trained with weights. high rep, low rest periods and 3on 1 off, 2on 1 off style. stop drinking ALL alcahol. no pop (soda), and a gallon to 1 and1/2 gallons of water a day...once it started to melt, it went off quickly and i shaped at the same time....


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


    4. #4
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      Default Re: Long time member looking to start again

      Quote Originally Posted by daved150 View Post
      i did it with training, eating 5-6 meals a day (high protien and 2-3 of those "meals" were mrp's) and i did NOT do cardio. i trained with weights. high rep, low rest periods and 3on 1 off, 2on 1 off style. stop drinking ALL alcahol. no pop (soda), and a gallon to 1 and1/2 gallons of water a day...once it started to melt, it went off quickly and i shaped at the same time....
      that is great info bro! im in the same boat as jason. been out for a few and need to get my **** back together!

    5. #5
      Stout1's Avatar
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      Default Re: Long time member looking to start again

      What I am looking for is a decent supplement or whatever to gain muscle and lose some fat.
      In my honest opinion 90% of the supplements out there are garbage. There are some good ones and ones that server certain purposes when needed, but first you have to walk before you crawl. For me, and my life, it's just too hectic to take 3-4 diff supps every day and at different times of the day, even with a pill case. Not to mention there is NO supplement of what you ask for that will make you gain muscle and lose fat. YOU have to do that on your own with hard work, dedicated diet, and a solid routine. If there was a pill out there that magically shreds fat and puts on muscle then let me know so I can buy stock in that company

      I wish I still had my pic of all the supps I had bought and was using at one time. Between protein, pwo carb mixes, and supplements I had a shelf unit that is 3' long, 10" wide, and 3' tall with three diff shelves FILLED to the rim with all sorts of crap, most of which was never all used and a waste of my money.

      I'm just now back in my first week of light training and I don't see my self taking anything other than of course a well balanced meal plan with a lifting routine based on my current goals focusing on heavy compound lifts. I'll soon add in some green tea capsules and some "SUPER ENZYMES" to help my body break down and assilimate the larger amounts of food I'll be eating. And that's it for now and I don't see myself adding in any other thing.

      My word of advice to you as I'm coming off an extended lay off myself and just getting back into things is first focus on diet then your routine. Worry about the supps later, they help, but not all that much. I've had the best progress in my life eating the very BEST I have ever have and only taking in a multi-vitamin, whole foods almost every meal except PWO and occasional shake during the day when running behind. Other than that I was taking no supplements and making the BEST progress ever b/c of my diet and routine.

      It all boils down to your diet and lifting. The supps are barely icing on the cake, yeah they help, but ONLY if you got "A" and "B" covered first (A=diet B=routine). For the amount of money I put into a lot of the supps I've tried over the years I can't think of one that I felt was worth while so I tend to stick to supps that deal with overall health such as digestive enzymes, vitamins, healthy fats, etc. Those "supps" focus on long term health and those to me will do more good than any creatine or the such.

      The supplement market is hardly regulated by the gov't so they in an essence basically and do promise you the moon, but don't have to deliver. So it's hard to sift through all the b.s. supplement hype to find any credible evidence and facts to support their claims on these products.

      If at all possible I'd do light/moderate intensity cardio first thing in the A.M. and only have a light 20-30 gram whey shake before cardio to feed your muscles with some aminos before your cardio. You can do that or buy some BCAA's and throw it in your water bottle and drink that while during cardio. Either or will work. Do cardio for 30 and work your way up to 45 minutes at about 75% max heart rate. We're after fat loss here, not the ability to run a marathon so moderate intensity cardio is key to burn fat and help preserve muscle.

      I personally like to switch it up to break up the monotony because I HATE cardio and it bores me to death. So one day I'll do the treadmill, ALWAYS on a decent incline, for a nice brisk walk but not quite a jog. Then another day I'll do the stair stepper, then maybe another day I'll do the elliptical. My gym has the built in hear rate monitors on the machines so it makes it easy for me to know what range I'm in as you don't want to over do it and push you into a more cardiovascular type regime by pushing yourself too hard, you want to stay in the "fat burning zone". Of course there really is no "zones" per say as you'll always be working on losing fat, increasing cardio capacity, etc but at the lower intensity it focuses more on preserving muscle and burning fat.

      If you can't do A.M. cardio before your first real meal then try to get a cardio session in about 3-4 hours from your last meal and if you do cardio on training days (which I HATE to do), then do your cardio post-working out. Don't do your cardio before you lift. A nice 5 minute walk to "warm up" is okay, but safe your energy for the weights and not the cardio. I personally lift 3X a week, with a day OFF lifting about every other day, and then on my OFF days from lifting is when I do my cardio.

      You may want to look into getting on a TIMED CARB DIET. It's sorta like the ATKIENS diet but not really. In a nutshell you make your meals either protein/fat or protein/carbs. You never combine fats/carbs/protein all in one meal. Of course negligble amounts of each will end up in your diet but if your say trying to get a Protein/Fats meal you want to try to stay away from going over 7-9g carbs.

      So what you do is eat protein/fat meal for five days, then "carb up" for two days every week. No you will of course be lifting on some of those days where you have NO CARBS and eat protein/fats meals, the ONLY exception to this is when you work out. You of course want your post work out shake to have protein/carbs to help rebuild/repair, then in another hour or so another protein/carb meal. Then any more meals that day will be back on the protein/fats.

      Your optimal growth time is immediately post work out so you want to get them carbs in there and let them do their job, thats the ONLY time you eat protein/carb meals on non-carb days.

      For your carb up days, which you can pick to be any two days and preferabbly back to back, you have your first three to four meals with carbs then cut the carbs off around 4-6 pm. Unless of course you lift that day then you have your PWO shake and your post post work out meal both with clean carbs, protein, and no fat. (FYI - I put my "carb up" days on Sat and Sun. It makes it easier for me to carb up then and if I fudge a bit on the diet it's best to do it then rather than on your non-carb days.)

      The carb-up days also replenish glycogen storage and keep the body "guessing". You don't want to go overboard on these days as if you do, you'll just cancel out all the hard work you been doing. I personally used these days to just carb-up as it said. I would have one cheat meal at the Mexican restaurant, but other than that it was all clean, complex carbs with my meals and not junk.

      The key to your protein/fats meals is to keep the ratio to about 40-50% of your cals from fat, the rest of course protein. This balance of the meals signals to the body your still getting in fuel, the fat, and to use that for fuel while letting the protein do it's job as if you'd dip too low in the fat calories your going to end up messing this diet up and using protein for a fuel source, something we don't want.

      One more thing if you do try this diet the first three or so days you get kinda whoozy or light headed. What's happening is your body is adjusting from the lack of carbs and "switching over" I guess you could say to burning fat.

      You will get some what flat on this diet, but it's only temporary. You'll get flat b/c of the lack of carbs as carbs hold water in the muscle so don't fret on that, you'll notice on your carb up days how full you really look.

      An excellent tool: www.fitday.com Track your eating for a week in there and see where your at. If you decide to do the TCD (Timed Carb Diet) then it also has a pie chart on a break down of what you've eaten for the day, how much, %'s, etc.

      Any questions let me know.....
      Thomas Jefferson - "When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny."

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      Default Re: Long time member looking to start again

      Quote Originally Posted by Harry Tasker View Post
      425 bench huh. thats a good start.
      1. get some creatine micronized (PURE)
      2. if u want to get muscle and burn fat quickly ur gonna need some inject anabolics otherwise ur gonna have to do it naturally which is probably how u should be doing since ur just getting back into as u said.

      I have heard some good stuff about venom 3.0 and i have amazing results with the a product called ergomax lmg, it's legal but they pulled it from the shelves, I think LMG has a new porduct out that similiar do sum research. be warned u as a RN kno that those pills tear ur liver up. try 2 stick with the injectables amigo. Good luck and remember never give up.
      He said he didn't want to or couldn't use steroids.

      And who said you need injectable anabolics to burn fat and gain muscle?
      Thomas Jefferson - "When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny."

    7. #7
      Harry Tasker's Avatar
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      Default Re: Long time member looking to start again

      Quote Originally Posted by Stout1 View Post
      He said he didn't want to or couldn't use steroids.

      And who said you need injectable anabolics to burn fat and gain muscle?

      stout ,
      I don't know too many people that can burn fat and put on muscle at the same time quickly. maybe 2% of all humans canhave this ability. What do you think stout.

      Stout I kno he said he didnt want to use AAS but if he is going to use all these over the counter supps. he might as well use injectables. A lot of these over the counter supps. r just as dangerous if not more. As you said they r not regulated by the fda. That means they could be potentially dangerous.
      Yours In Sport,

      Harry Tasker

    8. #8
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      harry does have a point it would be hard for anybody to drop calories and stay anabolic. I would find you bmr and drop 200-300 calories per week with adding cardio to avoid going catabolic. keep the protein high an clean the diet out.

      without aas it is very hard to cut and gain muscle. I don't even believe in a bulk cycle every thing should be more of a lean mass.

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      oh and the first 6-8 months he should be clean with no gear. muscle has memory and his metabolism will boost with added activity. natural "come back gains" will slow after 6-8 months of hard work. then kick in the supps. I would stick with protein maybe creatine and a good multi.

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      i agree.. you can get in the best shape of your life with out gear..i myself am a gear head..im also a personal trainner..like a lot of you here...like these bros said diet ...food choose...excercise...good to go..ribb

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