I don't think it is. It just wouldn't work if I said "A guy walked into a store". As far as I can tell, it isn't belittleing Native Americans or Inciteing hate or anything like that..

Lemme know what you think.. I think it's funny!

One day an Indian fellow walks into a large convienience store and adresses the clerk, he says "I need me some toilet paper". To which the clerk responds, "Of course sir, just follow me down isle 4 here". When they get to the toilet paper section the clerk says "Here's our top of the line toilet paper, it's called royal.. cause royalty uses it!" The Indian fellow looks at the TP, looks at the price and says "Too much!". So the clerk responds with "OK, well here's our Scott TP, not quite as good but it's pillowey soft!". Again the Indian fellow looks at the TP, looks at the price and says "Too Much!" But before the clerk can reply the Indian fellow spots the no name brand TP and says "What's This". The clerk says "Well, that's the no-name toilet paper. Not the best stuff in the world, but works better than leaves" The Indian fellow looks at the TP, looks at the price and says "I'll take it!" He then pays and leaves.

About a week later the Indian fellow returns to the convenience store and again approaches the clerk. He says "I have a name for your toilet paper!" The cleck is a little flustered, but says "Uhhh, OK, what's the name" To which the Indian fellow says "John Wayne". Well, the clerk thinks about it for a minute, scratches his head and finally says "John Wayne? Why would you call it that?" And with a smile on his face the Indian fellow says "Because it's rough, it's tough, and it don't take no shit from Indians!"