Health benefits of bee pollen

Dubbed my some “Nature’s perfect food”, the health benefits of bee pollen can be vast. Due to the fact that it is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, and amino acids, bee pollen helps to provide the body with pretty much every nutrient it ever needs.

Studies have shown that lab rats that live strictly off of a bee pollen compound go on to live full, healthy lives.

Made of the male gametes that bees get covered in when carrying pollen from plant to plant, digestive enzymes from the bees are included in this compound when it is formed into the nutritional supplement we know today.

The health benefits of bee pollen includes the ability of bee pollen to help build the human immune system, while aiding your system in providing energy for the entire human body.

The chemical breakdown of the bee pollen found in supplements consists of around thirty five percent protein, fifty five percent carbohydrates, two percent fatty acids and three percent minerals and vitamins. This chemical make up is near perfects with regards to its functionality in the human body.

The three percent of vitamins and minerals contains such key nutrients as B-complex vitamins, as well as the other crucial daily requirements of vitamins A, C, D, and E. These ingredients come together to offer the health benefits of bee pollen as a great anti oxidant.

As an anti oxidant, bee pollen helps to defend your body against free radicals, which are molecules that try to break down cell membranes and result in harsh damages to the human body. Also, research has determined that bee pollen has an effective use as an immunizer, while enhancing vitality and aiding in helping the body remove harsh toxins.

As you can see, the health benefits of bee pollen are vast and it would be in your best interest to begin taking these supplements today