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    Thread: Diet Aid Advice

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      I need a diet aid that doens't have a stimulant in it...I recently was put on BP medicine and can't go there or caffeine...I may just be screwed but who knows...any advice?

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      Default Re: Diet Aid Advice

      Last edited by McKenzie; 04-20-2006 at 09:20 PM.

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      Default Re: Diet Aid Advice

      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: Diet Aid Advice

      Sup McK....

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      Default Re: Diet Aid Advice

      Hope this article will help

      Keys to Fat Loss & Low Bodyfat Maintenance
      By Andrew Natale

      As bodybuilders we are concerned with body composition rather than body weight. Put bluntly, we want to be huge and ripped! So after a period of adding muscle, it?s time to shed the fat. So what?s the best way to lose fat while maintaining our precious LBM? First- know your body! Find out what works for you. Sounds simple, but this can take a considerable amount of experimentation and time. That's why other people's plans sort of work generically (for the masses).use them, but adapt or tweak them to your own needs.

      Second- what worked yesterday, doesn't always work today- or say the next time you cut- or after a few weeks and the body has adapted to a program. So have a Plan A, B, C..., the same way you change up your workouts to recruit more muscle fibers- you alter your cutting, maintaining or bulking program to keep you body from adapting and slowing progress! This is why mini-cycles of 3-4 weeks work so well, especially to stay lean (i.e. 3 week bulk- 2 week cut, then repeat. or cut, then tweak, then tweak harder etc)

      Now the part you have been waiting for: Use those clean carbs to fuel your metabolism at your (I repeat your) level to bulk, add in enough protein for positive nitrogen balance, and then fat and fiber to slow insulin and digestion down so that you don't go thermo when bulking (this is also why we use clean-slow burners). If your carbs are not high enough, your body does hepatic gluconeogenisis (makes glucose not amino peptides) with your protein, that's also why high levels of protein give you a little edge on muscle building if you are carb deficient.

      There is a difference between lean and ripped. The secret here is to turn your body into a FAT OXIDIZER. This requires a short transitional period that is kind of uncomfortable. But after a few days of adjustment, performance can even improve. When cutting, your body prefers to burn glycogen (glucose) and protein (muscle) for fuel. It does not want to tap into your fat stores because it thinks you are starving. As BB's we try to circumvent this by using meal frequency and small 200-500 calories adjustments, however it is more critical to make macronutrient changes. You have to change the body's fuel preference away from carbs and protein and towards fat. How? Limit carbs- without carbs the body must chose between fat and muscle. We use anti-catabolics to preserve LBM at all costs, so if there is less glycogen, and muscle is spared, then what becomes the preferred energy source - FAT!!! This requires eliminating ALL sugars- even from supps- and even post workout! It also means raising your fat intake in order to teach the body that this is the new fuel source- tell it to GET USE TO IT! So now, even though you are eating more fat, you still want to maintain a level slightly under the body's energy requirement- this is when you turn to your FAT STORES- the new preferential fuel source! Where do the CLEAN carbs play into this? Well, every so often you need to replace some glycogen in the liver and muscles, this prevents ketosis and ketoacidosis which can cause LBM loss.

      What?s a clean, slow burning carb? Generally we take into consideration where a carb sits on the Glycemic Index, it?s fibre content and how rapidly it will convert to sugar once in the body. Slow-burning carbs include sweet potatoes, yams, old fashioned/steel cut oats, scotch/Irish oats, long grain brown rice, apples, berries, peaches, grapefruit and dark green veggies such as spinach and broccoli.

      We all work very hard for our gains, therefore our first job is to preserve those LBM gains at all costs. Each pound we preserve can burn 30-50 more calories, potentially fat calories.

      SO, PLEASE EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY THE LADIES, STOP BEING SO CONCERNED ABOUT BODY WEIGHT - BE CONCERNED ABOUT BODY COMPOSITION. A firmer toner and leaner (ladies) or ripped shredded (men and lady BB's) body depends on BF% levels not poundage!

      To preserve LBM we all know we use glutamine. What preserves glutamine in the body? Aminos! They are vital for protein synthesis and repair.

      You can get aminos from increased protein intake and or supplement with high quality aminos at mealtime and or during the W/O (3-5 grams at meals or 15-30 during W/O). BCAA's are even more specialized as they convince the body to spare glycogen (tells the body that muscle has already broken down-so shift energy sources) and burn fat. A recent study showed a decreased amount of Visceral Abdominal Fat (VAT) (belly fat) in subjects with higher BCAA intake. (use 10-15 grams 10 minutes pre W/O).

      CLA is still a fresh topic. It blocks fat storage (the lipoprotein lipase enzyme) and keeps fat from returning post cut. (3 grams a day).

      I also believe in high quality liver tabs. The iron and B-12 seems to enhance the appetite and metabolism. More red blood cells greatly enhance oxygen transport, facilitating endurance, growth, and recovery (4-6 grams with each meal).

      Lastly, a word about thermogenics. While I firmly believe in thermogenics, especially their ability to target adipose tissue, I've done enough of these to be at negative body fat levels. Currently, I just use them for the amps on leg or shoulder day. While they do enhance your metabolism, (even a one degree increase in body temperature will result in burning 7 percent more calories) after your period of 110% metabolism, the body tends to compensate with a period of 90% metabolism. The net effect is not all that great in some people. For the hardgainer, I believe that they are detrimental, not allowing the maximum nutrition from food and supps to reach the muscle (remember glucose conversion from fat and protein to fuel the metabolism- gluconeogenesis). Stated another way, increase the body?s speed- you need more and more fuel to maintain, this makes it harder to gain!

      So now you?re there and the next question is."How do I maintain low levels of body fat?" You will find that, as you get more cut, your body will change every four to six hours in the mirror. You may lose a cut here or a vein there, only for it to return later with friends. Sometimes it goes away for days before returning. This can cause quite a lot of psychosis, especially in women (I'm not sexist!). Many that I know will eat a cookie and then do an hour of cardio to compensate. So here are tips to maintain low levels of body fat until your next bulk:

      1. Drink plenty of water. The more you drink, the dryer you become...hence more cuts, the less you retain. Why store it, the body thinks you will give it more, your lips crack, your cuts stand out etc. (there is a scientific explanation with diuretic and anti diuretic hormones involved, but that is not my specialty).

      2. Make lifestyle changes. Try to avoid sugars and use slow-burning carbs (possibly cycled),and good nutritional practices for the duration of the "looking good" period. Slow burners are carbs that enter the bloodstream very slow, keeping glucose and insulin low so that you can burn more fat!

      3. Avoid excessive cardio.

      4. Take CLA, not only will this help you get lean, but studies indicate post diet, it will limit the redeposition of body fat (3 grams daily). CLA is an EFA that animals use to produce more, now it comes from sunflowers, but occurs naturally in meat and dairy in small quantities. It has some great antioxidant qualities, but we take it to block lipo-protein lipase, an enzyme that causes fat storage. It can help reduce your BF and keep it from coming back after a cut!

      5. Limit bars. There is more in a bar than appears on the label (until recently). Most of the low carb bars have about 40-70 unexplained calories of glycerine (glycerol), This is a sugar alcohol and does not have to appear in the carb count, it both moistens and sweetens the bar at 4.3 calories per gram. The trouble is, when you store fat, the body converts triglycerides to glycerol to fat. Could this be why glycerol doesn't raise insulin levels? So why give your body something that is one metabolite away from fat? Everyone I know gets immediately leaner when they give up bars! Additionally, usually the second ingredient is hydrolyzed gelatin, this is garbage protein!

      As you can see, there?s no real secrets- just persistence and consistency!
      Push it, Pull it, Rack it. Repeat untill wide!!

      Take nothing I say as serious, What do I know, I sell water!!


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      Default Re: Diet Aid Advice

      Try this one also.
      Different Diets for Different Bodies

      Figuring Out Who Should be Eating What

      One thing is clear: there is no single diet that works best for everyone. I think that a major goal of the next phase of diet research is to figure out which diets will work best for which people. This small, but extremely well-controlled study, published in Obesity Research earlier in 2005, is a great contribution to that effort.

      Bottom line: Participants who were "insulin resistant" lost more weight on a reduced carbohydrate diet, whereas people who were insulin sensitive lost more weight on a high carb/low fat diet.

      Details: The researchers hypothesized that people who are insulin resistant might respond better to a diet that is less "glycemic" (due to fewer carbs and more fat) than people who have normal insulin sensitivity.So they took a group of mildly-moderately obese women and put the ones who were most insulin resistant in one group, and the ones who were most insulin sensitive (least resistant) in another. They didn’t use people who were in the middle, to make the results clearer.

      Next, they figured out everyone’s metabolic rate, body composition, and how many calories their bodies were using. Then, for 16 weeks, each subject was given food to eat that would be 400 calories less than they needed to maintain their body weight. Half of each group received a diet that was low in fat and high in carbohydrates (60% of the diet), and the other half ate a diet that was higher in fat and lower in carbs (40% of the diet).

      The results were nothing short of astonishing. Despite being on diets where the calorie levels were tailor-made for each individual, the results varied wildly depending both upon diet content AND insulin sensitivity level:

      * The insulin resistant people lost 13.4% of their body weight – average almost 25 lbs - on a low-carb diet, but only 8.5% (average 16 lbs) on a high carb/low fat diet
      * The results for the insulin sensitive folks were precisely the reverse – 13.5% body weight lost (average 25 lb) on the high carb diet and 6.8% (average 13.5 lbs) on the low-carb diet.

      Remember: They were all getting a calorie level custom-adjusted to each person, and they were all getting their food from the clinic.

      Other results:
      * Fasting insulin levels dropped in all groups, but more in both insulin resistant groups.
      * Insulin sensitivity improved in the insulin-resistant groups, the low-carb more than the high-carb (possibly because more weight was lost).
      * Triglycerides improved in all groups except for the insulin resistant group on the high carb diet. That group increased their triglycerides significantly.
      * The two “mismatched groups” (losing the least amount of weight) lost the amount of weight that would be expected, given their calorie levels. The big mystery still to be solved is why the “matched” groups lost so much more that would have been expected.
      * People did not report changing their activity levels through the study (and had been instructed not to).

      Though the study was awfully small (only 21 subjects), in a way that makes it more impressive that the results were so dramatic. Also, it is short-term, and we are all familiar by now with the track record for short-term vs long-term weight loss. Still, it was a carefully done study, and hopefully will be the foundation for many more along these lines. Congratulations to the researchers - well done!

      "insulin resistant"
      Definition: An insensitivity of the cells to the effects of insulin. Since one of the "jobs" of insulin is to "open the gates" so that the cells will take in glucose (either using it or converting it to storage), blood glucose will stay higher than is healthy unless the body releases more insulin, creating a condition called hyperinsulinemia ("too much insulin in the blood"). It is estimated that 20-30 percent of the US population is insulin resistant. Insulin resistance is closely related to obesity, and is considered to be a precursor to Type 2 diabetes.

      Pronunciation: IN se lin ree SIS tents

      Also Known As: pre-diabetes, insulin insensitivity

      Common Misspellings: inselin resistence insolin

      Examples: According to some studies, people who are insulin resistant respond most positively to a controlled-carbohydrate diet.

      Definition: adj. Literally, "causing glucose (sugar) in the blood". Blood glucose is closely related to the amount and type of carbohydates consumed. Glycemia is the related noun meaning glucose or sugar in the blood.

      Pronunciation: gly SEE mik

      Alternate Spellings: glycaemic

      Common Misspellings: glyceemic

      Examples: Potatoes and cereal are more glycemic than cabbage and beans.

      For diabetics, glycemic control is a primary goal.
      Push it, Pull it, Rack it. Repeat untill wide!!

      Take nothing I say as serious, What do I know, I sell water!!


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      Default Re: Diet Aid Advice

      Get some powdered greens. They sell it at the health food stores that sell supplements. Drink a serving in the am.

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      Default Re: Diet Aid Advice

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO
      Nothing like eating clean groceries...


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      I'm starting back on a low card diet and upping cardio...I was just trying to find out if there was a diet aid that didn't have a stimulant in it to aid to my vitamins...

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