Folic acid is the nutrient that is responsible for a number of benefits throughout the body.

The most promoted of these benefits in recent years has been the ability of folic acid to prevent serious birth defects. The natural form of folic acid is capable of being found in a number of natural food sources including: spinach, turnip greens, citrus fruits, legumes and enriched foods and grain products like rice and breads.

Orange juice has been promoted as a critical food containing large amounts of natural folic acid.

Sufficient levels of folic acid are extremely important in women of childbearing age, whether they intend or plan to become pregnant or not. Serious birth defects have been known to occur in women who were deficient in folic acid. This typically happens because many birth defects, especially neural tube defects, occur in the very early weeks of the pregnancy; usually before the woman even realizes she is pregnant.

Women who are deficient in folic acid and do not eat a well balanced diet are unable to contribute sufficient levels of this much needed nutrient to the developing fetus in time to prevent the defects from occurring. Severity of the defects may range; however children born with neural tube defects usually experience some form of decreased mental development, paralysis and in worst cases, death.

Individuals who are risk for folic acid deficiency include teens who do not eat a well balanced diet and become pregnant, alcoholics, persons with liver or kidney disease and persons with anemia.

There are no known health risks associated with supplementation in otherwise healthy individuals. Some medications may interfere with the body’s ability to absorb this vitamin properly. These medications include diuretics and anti-seizure medicines as well as certain diabetic medications and sedatives.

When purchasing supplements, consumers should be aware that it is not recommended to take more than 1000 micrograms per day and that certain persons, especially seniors, should not combine folic acid with vitamin B.

Individuals who are prone to seizures and take seizure medication should not take folic acid supplements unless recommended to do so by a physician, as supplements have been known to interfere with the seizure medication and actually bring on seizures.