L-arginine is considered to be a non-essential nutrient, capable of being produced independently within the body. It is also available in several natural food sources such as meats.

There have been many benefits of L-arginine promoted throughout recent years including its ability to control high blood pressure, increase healing time in wounds and also as sexual effectiveness booster.

The body utilizes L-arginine for the purpose of manufacturing nitric oxide, which is responsible for increasing blood flow throughout the body. Due to this amazing ability, benefits of L-arginine include protection against heart disease and risk of stroke.

L-arginine fuels the ability of the body to produce human growth hormone, sometimes referred to as HGH. HGH has several responsibilities in the body including the maintenance of energy levels, promotion of restful sleep patterns and healthy organs. HGH levels are known to begin reclining as individuals reach adulthood and continue to do so throughout the remainder of life. L-arginine may be able to boost the body’s production of HGH.

It is the link between L-arginine and nitric oxide that is believed to be responsible for the ability of this nutrient to aid in sexual potency, particularly in men. It is believed that L-arginine is able to increase sex drive by manufacturing larger amounts of nitric oxide, the matter responsible for ensuring blood flows to all parts of the body, including genital areas. Erectile dysfunction occurs in some cases due to a lack of nitric oxide within the body. L-arginine may be able to help solve this problem.

Males who have problems maintaining an erection may find that this nutrient can be a natural alternative to more expensive prescription sex boosters. Women may also benefit from L-arginine, as it may be able to increase blood flow in the genital areas of women, leading to a stronger sex drive and more satisfying orgasmic experience.

Rather large dosages of L-arginine can result in side effects of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Consumers who are interested in receiving the full benefits of L-arginine should look for products that contain no less than 4 grams per dose.