Zinc is a naturally occurring mineral found in oysters, beef, poultry, legumes, whole grains and diary products. One of the most amazing zinc facts is that oysters tend to be the best natural resource for zinc.

Zinc is necessary for a healthy immune system and production of DNA. Other zinc facts include its ability to support the body’s sense of taste and smell as well as heal wounds. It is extremely critical that pregnant women, babies, children and adolescents get enough zinc.

Zinc deficiency occurs when either the body does not get enough zinc through dietary requirements, loses zinc or is unable to absorb zinc properly and suddenly develops a need for more zinc; which is often the case in pregnancy. Diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite, stunted growth, wounds that won’t heal, changes in taste or smell and a difficulty in the ability to concentrate are all symptoms of zinc deficiency.

Individuals such as alcoholics, frequent or yo-yo dieters, persons suffering from Crohn’s disease, vegetarians, pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, children and teens tend to be at risk for zinc deficiency.

Studies indicate that zinc may be very beneficial in boosting the body’s immune system. Specifically, it is believed that zinc may contain the power to T-cells and lymphocytes.

It is quite possible to ingest too much zinc. Possible side effects of taking too much zinc include nausea, fainting, chills, fatigue, dizziness, upset stomach and vomiting. Individuals who receive an adequate amount of zinc through their diet, and do not fall into a risk category, normally do not find it necessary to take zinc supplements.

Studies have shown that zinc supplements provide no added healing or immunity benefits in persons who are not deficient in zinc. Healthy adult males and females need only between 8 and 11 milligrams of zinc per day.

Zinc supplements are available in a variety of forms, including tablets, lozenges and caplets. Zinc is also included in some infant formula. For very severe cases of zinc deficiency, zinc supplements are available in an injection form by prescription and under the direction of a doctor. Zinc facts regarding avoidance of side effects indicate it is best to take zinc with a meal