Calcium is the mineral that is crucial in the development of healthy bones and teeth. Of all the minerals found within the body, there is more calcium than any other mineral. Calcium is found naturally within foods, the most well known of which is milk. Calcium can also be found in leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds and tofu. While meat does not provide a good source of natural calcium, vegetarians may still be at risk for a deficiency in calcium since they generally do not include milk and cheese within their diets. The calcium contained within other vegetarian foods may make up for the absence of milk in the diet in some cases. While calcium plays an extremely important role in structural development, this mineral also provides other benefits as well. Individuals who do not get enough calcium from their diet will find it necessary to take a calcium supplement in order to maintain proper health.

Calcium assists the body in blood clotting. One of the most well known deficiencies resulting from a lack of calcium is osteoporosis. The result of osteoporosis is that bones become brittle and more likely to splinter and break. While this condition does occur naturally as result of age, individuals who are eat diets lacking in calcium may notice a market increase in symptoms of osteoporosis far sooner than counterparts who partake of diets rich in calcium. Another calcium deficiency is known as hypocalcaemia. Resulting symptoms include numbness, tingles and muscle twitches. Individuals who are risk for calcium deficiency include vegetarians who may find it necessary to use a calcium supplement in order to avoid calcium deficiency.

Side effects of excessive calcium intake include vomiting, nausea and calcium deposits. Another side effects, peculiarly, is the same as a resulting calcium deficiency. When individuals consume too much calcium, the body attempts to expel it through urine. This sometimes results in a sudden and unexpected loss of calcium, which the body responds to with the same symptoms as hypocalcaemia; numbness, tingles and muscle twitches. It should be noted however; that this only occurs in extremely large doses of calcium or when supplements are ingested that are not of a quality substance.