What is folic acid? This essential nutrient is part of the B-vitamin family and is critical in helping the human body to form new cells. Folic acid is contained within some foods such as orange juice, beans, leafy green vegetables and breakfast cereal. Folic acid is considered to be so important to the essential function of the human body that is included as a component in multi-vitamins.

What is folic acid in relation to birth defects? In recent years folic acid has gained fame for preventing birth defects when consumed by women of childbearing age. Specifically, folic acid is critical in preventing neural tube defects. It has been recommended that in order for folic acid to be effective in preventing birth defects a woman should consume sufficient amounts of folic acid even before becoming pregnant. Women who are at risk for folic acid deficiencies include those who do not eat a well balanced diet, are anorexic or teens who often consume beverages such as colas that are not nutritionally sound. Therefore it is recommended that even women who are not planning on becoming pregnant, include folic acid as part of their daily intake. In addition to reducing birth defects, folic acid has been linked to other benefits such as the ability to prevent heart disease in adults as well as certain types of cancer such as colon, cervical and breast.

Compared to the benefits of folic acid, especially in regard to preventing birth defects, the side effects are relatively mild. Side effects may include mild stomach problems and a shift in sleeping patterns. There have been some reports of allergic reactions associated with folic acid intakes as well as confusion. Folic acid may also contribute to the body’s inability to retain zinc and Vitamin B12.

What is folic acid-natural or synthetic? Many products touting folic acid as a component actually contain synthetic versions of this essential nutrient. It is possible to obtain naturally occurring folic acid and every effort should be made to do so. Products containing natural folic acid have fewer reports of side effects than synthetic versions and also provide more of a curative benefit.