Gotu Kola facts: The herb Gotu kola is produced in humid swamps around the world. Known in Latin as Centell Asiatica, medicinal use of Gotu Kola originated in ancient Hindu circles. Since that time the plant has traditionally been used to treat skin problems.

Gotu kola is known to contain triterpenes which are thought to boost the production of collagen and strengthen blood vessels and neurotransmitters. Gotu Kola has also been used to treat burns, skin irritations and various other wounds. Specifically, the herb is believed to minimize scarring resulting from burns and surgical incisions. Due to the positive results of Gotu Kola on scars, it is thought the herb may aid in healing internal scarring as well, such as scarring of the liver due to cirrhosis. Because the herb has properties may contribute to enhanced blood flow and the overall health of connective tissue, it is also used as an internal treatment for varicose veins. Gotu kola has been used as a traditional aid in Chinese culture for the purpose of improving memory loss. Other Gotu Kola facts include studies that are currently being conducted to determine the effectiveness of Gotu Kola in treating memory loss due to the results of Alzheimer’s disease. It is even thought that Gotu Kola may contribute to increased abilities in learning. Studies have also been conducted with positive results on children with developmental disabilities. It is also thought that Gotu Kola may be beneficial in controlling cellulite.

There are no known adverse side effects related to the use of Gotu kola. Only in very rare cases have there been reports of headache, skin rash and a sensitivity to sunlight related to using Gotu Kola. Women who are pregnant or nursing or trying to conceive should avoid use of the herb, however.

Gotu kola is available in several forms including as a tincture, ointment, liquid, capsule, and tea. Individuals researching Gotu Kola facts will discover that the active ingredient in Gotu Kola is triterpenes, the most effective products for medicinal purposes should contain triterpnes as an active ingredient as well.